The use of evidence in decision-making in the health sector and other development efforts remains sub-optimal due to bottlenecks that operate at individual, system and institutional levels. There are many widely acknowledged barriers to evidence use, including lacking or weak relationships between decision-makers and producers of evidence, untimely and/or irrelevant evidence, inappropriately packaged evidence, politics and interests, weak capacity among decision-makers to find and use evidence, lacking wide dissemination of evidence, among others.

The development of the evidence-informed policy-making training (EIPM) course presented here responds to the challenge of weak capacity among decision-makers to find and use evidence in decision-making.

The goal of this training course is to strengthen the technical capacity of mid-level policymakers (i.e. technical staff) in the health sector in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in accessing, appraising, interpreting, synthesizing, and utilizing research evidence in decision-making.

The curriculum was developed by AFIDEP, FHI 360, College of Medicine (CoM) at the University of Malawi, East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC), Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR), and the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST) as part of the Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Policy (SECURE Health) programme implemented in Kenya and Malawi from Nov 2013 – Jan 2017. The SECURE Health programme is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).

Choose a Category

Preparing For Training


This section provides important background information and comprehensive guidance for trainers to enable them prepare adequately in order to be able to effectively deliver this EIPM training course. It is recommended that trainers read all the information in this section before embarking on delivering the training course.


Background - Facilitator's Guide
Pre Test Survey


Pre Test Survey
Trainer Qualifications

The evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM) training curriculum is designed for skilled, experienced trainers, with in-depth understanding of the public policy decision-making processes and hands-on experience of working with policy-makers or working as a policy-maker. Trainers should be familiar with what constitutes ‘evidence’, research designs, and how evidence is used in decision-making.


Who Should Deliver Training on Evidence-Informed Policy-Making?

Training Modules


The Introduction provides an overview of the EIPM course and establishes a conducive learning environment. Specifically, it enables learners and trainers to know each other. It also enables learners to appreciate the objectives of the training course, it’s rationale, and the course components. It further enables learners to get familiar with the training agenda and training materials, and the logistics, and set ground rules for the training. It also enables learners to share their expectations of the training course, and know the results of the pre-training test conducted prior to the start of the course.


Introduction Overview
Introduction Presentation Slides

Module 1: Foundation of Policy-Making and Evidence Use

Module 1 of the EIPM training course seeks to enable learners to gain an in-depth understanding of the public policy-making process. Specifically, the module builds knowledge and appreciation of the complexity of decision-making in public policy and programming, underscoring the fact that evidence has to compete with many factors to inform policy or program decisions. The module facilitates in-depth discussion of the wide range of actors and factors that influence public policy decisions and the facilitators and barriers to evidence use in these decisions. The module concludes with building learners skills in defining clear policy questions that require evidence.


Module 1 Overview
Module 1 Foundation
Module 1 Handout 1 - What is evidence-informed policy-making
Module 1 Handout 2 - Examples of health policy-making processes in Kenya
Module 1 Handout 3 - Components of a policy process & evidence issues
Module 1 Handout 4 - The RAPID Framework for Assessing Research-Policy Links
Module 1 Worksheet - Developing a Policy Question

Module 2: Accessing Evidence

Module 2 develops knowledge and skills in finding evidence for responding to policy questions or issues. Specifically, the module builds knowledge on the credible sources of evidence for decision-making in the health sector. It also builds skills in conducting effective and systematic searches for evidence and assessing evidence sources, as well as establishing and maintaining meaningful links with researchers.


Module 2 Overview
Module 2 Accessing Evidence
Module 2 Handout 1 - Impact Factor List
Module 2 Worksheet - Search Strategy Template
Module 2 Worksheet - Searching for Evidence

Module 3: Appraising Evidence

Module 3 builds knowledge of how to assess the quality and rigor of research evidence and other information before deciding to use it. It provides a basic review of various research designs and methodologies and the kinds of evidence they produce, and a critical appraisal of the strength of research articles and bodies of evidence. It also provides guidance on how to assess the quality of non-scientific information.


Module 3 Overview
Module 3 Appraising Evidence
Module 3 Handout 1 - 12 Major Types of Research Designs
Module 3 Handout 2 - Quantitative Qualitative
Module 3 Handout 3 - Checklist Principles of Research Quality
Module 3 Handout 4 - Appraising Quality of Non-Scientific Information
Module 3 Handout 5 - Scientific Paper
Module 3 Handout 6 - Evaluating the overall strength body of evidence
Module 3 Handout 7 - 20 Tips for Interpreting scientific claims
Module 3 Handout 8 - How to appraise Nature paper
Module 3 Handout 9 - Systematic Reviews
Module 3 Worksheet - Appraising Evidence

Module 4: Synthesizing Evidence

Module 4 develops knowledge and skills in determining the usability of evidence for a specific context, and synthesizing a wide range of evidence for decision-making. Specifically, the module enables the discussion of specific factors to consider when making a decision to use particular evidence that may have been generated from a different context. The module then focuses on building skills in effective and systematic synthesis of a wide rage of evidence for decision-making. Of importance is that the module builds skills in developing policy briefs, which are important evidence products for informing policy decisions.


Module 4 Overview
Module 4 Handout 4 - Key elements of Policy Brief
Module 4 Handout 3-Checklist for an Effective Policy Brief
Module 4 Synthesizing Evidence
Module 4 Handout 1-Scientific Paper
Module 4 Handout 2-How to write policy recommendations
Module 4 Handout 5 - Preparing & using policy briefs in EIPM
Module 4 Handout 6 - Sample Policy Brief - AFIDEP
Module 4 Handout 7 - Sample Policy Brief - FAO
Module 4 Handout 8 - Sample Policy Brief - National Council for Population and Development
Module 4 Handout 10 - You elevator pitch needs an elevator pitch
Module 4 Handout 9 - Sample Policy Brief - Sexuality Education
Module 4 Worksheet - Elevator Pitch
Module 4 Worksheet - Synthesizing Evidence & Writing Actionable Policy Recommendations

Module 5: Applying Evidence in Policy-Making

Module 5 builds understanding of the indicators of evidence use. It also builds skills in developing and implementing an effective communication strategy, which is important to enable the use of the policy briefs developed in Module 4.


Module 5 Overview
Module 5 Applying Evidence
Module 5 Handout 1 - Creating windows of opportunity for policy change: incorporating evidence into decentralized planning in Kenya
Worksheet - Communication Strategy


The Wrap-Up session brings the training to a close, facilitates learners to undertake the post-training test, and enables the discussion of, and agreement on, the post-training follow-up support and mentorship plan for learners.


Presentation Slides
Learners Contract
EIPM Networks & Resources


EIPM Training Follow up Tool

The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on the post-training follow-up program.


EIPM Training Follow-Up Tool

The purpose of this section is provide opportunity for the trainers to provide feedback to the developers of the curriculum on areas where the curriculum could be improved.

Trainers Feedback on Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Training Curriculum

  • Trainer's Name
  • Trainer's Position & Institution
  • Trainer's Email address
  • JJ - MM - AAAA
    When was the workshop carried out
  • Where was the workshop carried out
  • Description of group trained (e.g. parliament researchers or clerks)
  • 1. In your opinion, is the overall quality and relevance of the training curriculum up to acceptable standards?

  • Respond to the question #1 in relation to the content of each module:

  • 2. In your opinion, are the training methods for each of the modules effective?

  • 3. In your opinion, is the overall time allocated for the training adequate?

  • Respond to the question #3 in relation to the content of each module:

  • 4. Please share with us any other comments to inform the improvement of the curriculum

Preparing for Training


This section provides important background information about the EIPM training course for prospective training participants. It is recommended that everyone planning to undertake this course reads all the information in this section before the course starts.


Background - Participants Guide
Pre-Reading Materials

This section contains foundational reading materials that all the people planning to undertake this course need to read prior to the start of the course. The purpose is to prepare them for the topics and practical exercises to be covered in the training course. Reading these materials prior to the training will allow for more effective learning since learners will have attained important foundational understanding and appreciation of key concepts in the area of EIPM.


Definitions of Terms & Concepts
Pre-Training Reading Materials Overview Sheet
Illustrative Case study FP - HIV Brief
Module 3 Handout 4 - Scientific Paper
Module 3 Handout 7 - How to critically appraise an article
Module 4 Handout 1 - Scientific Paper
Module 4 Handout 5 - Preparing and using policy briefs
Research primer excerpts
Support Tools for evidence-informed health Policy-making
Illustrative Case Study for Evidence Use-Exercises
Additional Resources

Sample Agenda


Sample Agenda
Pre Test Survey


Pre Test Survey

Training Modules


The Introduction provides an overview of the EIPM course and establishes a conducive learning environment. Specifically, it enables learners and trainers to know each other. It also enables learners to appreciate the objectives of the training course, it’s rationale, and the course components. It further enables learners to get familiar with the training agenda and training materials, and the logistics, and set ground rules for the training. It also enables learners to share their expectations of the training course, and know the results of the pre-training test conducted prior to the start of the course.


Module 1: Foundation of Policy-Making and Evidence Use

Module 1 of the EIPM training course seeks to enable learners to gain an in-depth understanding of the public policy-making process. Specifically, the module builds knowledge and appreciation of the complexity of decision-making in public policy and programming, underscoring the fact that evidence has to compete with many factors to inform policy or program decisions. The module facilitates in-depth discussion of the wide range of actors and factors that influence public policy decisions and the facilitators and barriers to evidence use in these decisions. The module concludes with building learners skills in defining clear policy questions that require evidence.


Module 1 Overview
Module 1 Presentation
Module 1 Handout 1-What is evidence-informed policymaking
Module 1 Handout 2- Examples of health policy-making processes in Kenya
Module 1 Handout 3-Components of a policy process & evidence issues
Module 1 Handout 4-ODI RAPID Model of Policymaking
Module 1 Worksheet -Developing a Policy Question
Module 1 Evaluation

Module 2: Accessing Evidence

Module 2 develops knowledge and skills in finding evidence for responding to policy questions or issues. Specifically, the module builds knowledge on the credible sources of evidence for decision-making in the health sector. It also builds skills in conducting effective and systematic searches for evidence and assessing evidence sources, as well as establishing and maintaining meaningful links with researchers.


Module 2 Overview
Module 2 Presentation Slides
Module 2 Handout 1 - Impact Factor List
Module 2 Worksheet - Search Strategy Template
Module 2 Worksheet - Searching for Evidence
Module 2 Evaluation

Module 3: Appraising Evidence

Module 3 builds knowledge of how to assess the quality and rigor of research evidence and other information before deciding to use it. It provides a basic review of various research designs and methodologies and the kinds of evidence they produce, and a critical appraisal of the strength of research articles and bodies of evidence. It also provides guidance on how to assess the quality of non-scientific information.


Module 3 Overview
Module 3 Presentation Slides
Module 3 Handout 1 - 12 Major Types of Research Designs
Module 3 Handout 2 - Quantitative Qualitative
Module 3 Handout 3 - Checklist Principles of Research Quality
Module 3 Handout 4 - Appraising Quality of Non-Scientific Information
Module 3 Handout 5 - Scientific Paper
Module 3 Handout 6 - Evaluating the overall strength body of evidence
Module 3 Handout 7 - 20 Tips for Interpreting scientific claims
Module 3 Handout 8 - How to appraise Nature paper
Module 3 Handout 9 - Systematic Reviews
Module 3 Worksheet - Appraising Evidence
Module 3 Evaluation

Module 4: Synthesizing Evidence

Module 4 develops knowledge and skills in determining the usability of evidence for a specific context, and synthesizing a wide range of evidence for decision-making. Specifically, the module enables the discussion of specific factors to consider when making a decision to use particular evidence that may have been generated from a different context. The module then focuses on building skills in effective and systematic synthesis of a wide rage of evidence for decision-making. Of importance is that the module builds skills in developing policy briefs, which are important evidence products for informing policy decisions.


Module 4 Overview
Module 4 Presentation Slides
Module 4 Handout 1 - Scientific Paper
Module 4 Handout 2 - How to write policy recommendations
Module 4 Handout 3 - Checklist for an Effective Policy Brief
Module 4 Handout 4 - Key elements of Policy Brief
Module 4 Handout 5 - Preparing & using policy briefs in EIPM
Module 4 Handout 6 - Sample Policy Brief-AFIDEP PB
Module 4 Handout 7 - Sample Policy Brief-FAO
Module 4 Handout 8 - Sample Policy Brief-NCPD
Module 4 Handout 9 - Sample Policy Brief-Sexuality Education
Module 4 Handout 10 - You elevator pitch needs an elevator pitch
Module 4 Worksheet - Elevator Pitch
Module 4 Worksheet - Synthesizing Evidence & Writing Actionable Policy Recommendations
Module 4 Evaluation

Module 5: Applying Evidence in Policy-Making

Module 5 builds understanding of the indicators of evidence use. It also builds skills in developing and implementing an effective communication strategy, which is important to enable the use of the policy briefs developed in Module 4.


Module 5 Overview
Module 5 Presentation Slides
Module 5 Handout 1- Creating windows of opportunity for policy change: incorporating evidence into decentralized planning in Kenya
Module 5 Worksheet - Communication Strategy
Module 5 Evaluation


The Wrap-Up session brings the training to a close, facilitates learners to undertake the post-training test, and enables the discussion of, and agreement on, the post-training follow-up support and mentorship plan for learners.


Wrap Up
Post Test Survey
EIPM Networks & Resources
Learners Contract


EIPM Training Follow up Tool

The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on the post-training follow-up program.


EIPM Training Follow-Up Tool

The purpose of this section is provide opportunity for learners to provide feedback to the developers of the curriculum on areas where the curriculum could be improved.

Trainees Feedback on Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Training Curriculum

  • Trainee's Name
  • Trainee's Position & Institution
  • Trainee's Email address
  • JJ - MM - AAAA
    When was the workshop carried out
  • Where was the workshop carried out
  • 1. In your opinion, is the content of the training curriculum relevant to your work?

  • Respond to the question #1 in relation to the content of each module:

  • 2. In your opinion, is the content of the training curriculum of high quality?

  • Respond to the question #1 in relation to the content of each module:

  • 3. In your opinion, are the training methods for each of the modules effective?

  • 4. In your opinion, were the trainers qualified and well prepared to deliver the course?

  • 5. In your opinion, is the overall time allocated for the training adequate?

  • Respond to the question #5 in relation to the content of each module:

  • 6. Please share with us any other comments to inform the improvement of the curriculum

  • Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.