Shire-Valley Vector Control Project (Shire-Vec) Consultant
23 juin 2022


The African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) is a regional non-profit research and policy Institute established in 2010 to help bridge the gaps between research, policy and practice in development efforts in Africa. Our primary purpose is to contribute to sustainable development through using evidence and advocacy to strengthen political commitment and resource allocation for development issues; informing the design and implementation of effective interventions; and strengthening governance and accountability structures for tracking development challenges in Africa. AFIDEP is registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation in both Kenya and Malawi (where it has offices) and as a non-profit institution in the USA with 501(c)3 status. For further details about AFIDEP and its work refer to


About the Project

The Shire-Valley Vector Control Project (Shire-Vec) is a research group that aims to control vector borne diseases (VBDs) in emerging agricultural systems in Malawi. The project will offer practical solutions to manage the impact of the Shire Valley Transformation programme (SVTP), a new 40,000-hectare irrigation scheme across both public health and agriculture. Shire-Vec will investigate how the new irrigation scheme affects VBDs and their influence on smallholder farming practices. It will use the evidence generated to provide recommendations to mitigate VBDs in future planned extensions of the SVTP and other national agricultural development schemes. We will aim to contribute to the integration of VBD control into agricultural and irrigation policy.

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support towards the delivery of project activities and the specific tasks and deliverables are;


  1. Conduct a policy analysis in the agricultural sector
  • Desk review: Support ongoing policy and stakeholder analysis; contribute to an ongoing a rapid review
  • Conduct key informant interviews
  • Lead data analysis and report writing


  • Policy analysis study report
  • Journal manuscript based on study report
  • Refined communications and policy engagement strategy (informed by study results)
  1. Provide technical assistance for policy processes to incorporate vector borne disease management into agriculture and irrigation policy


  • Regular updates on opportunities for policy influence
  • Coordinated technical assistance provided to policy processes
  • Agricultural policies that integrate vector management
  1. Contribute to the design and delivery of training for project researchers in strategic communications and policy engagement


  • Increased capacity of researchers to engage policy and ensure uptake of their findings in policy processes
  • Regular reports of mentorship for researchers trained
  1. Translate research into policy briefs and other communication products


  • Policy briefs


The successful candidate for this task will have in-depth knowledge of vector control and integrated vector management for improved human health and experience working in the field, experience developing research-to-policy communications products, and conducting policy analysis research.

Minimum requirements:

A relevant PhD in either Vector control research, Vector biology, Epidemiology (relating to Vector Borne Diseases) or other related fields, and more than 3 years of relevant research experience post-PhD.

Submission of Applications

If you are interested in this consultancy and meet the requirements above, please send a motivation letter indicating your suitability for the position and a detailed CV. Please submit to: not later than 05 August 2022.

Applications should include the title of the consultancy position as the subject of  the email.

AFIDEP is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.


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