On 16th and 17th February 2017, AFIDEP’s Dr. Bernard Onyango shall be attending the second annual Young Africa Works Summit hosted by The MasterCard Foundation in Kigali, Rwanda. This invite-only event will bring together a community of 300 thought leaders from non-governmental organisations, government, funders and the private sector, committed to developing sustainable youth employment strategies in Africa. It will also directly involve young people to help understand and explore their journeys, including the challenges they face, in securing meaningful economic opportunities.
Building on the dynamic conversations of the inaugural Summit in 2015, The MasterCard Foundation believes that there is more to explore around youth, employment and agriculture. In 2017, the Foundation would like to shift the discussion from how to engage youth in agriculture, to youth as drivers of agricultural transformation. This transformation holds tremendous promise for catalysing prosperity and creating sustainable livelihoods for young people in Africa. The Summit will also explore three sub-themes that contribute to agricultural transformation, including gender, technology and climate-smart agriculture.