
The 28th International Population Conference (IPC) of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) officially kicked off in Cape Town, South Africa on Sunday, 29 October 2017, and will go on until Friday, 4 November 2017. The conference is held every four years, and this marks the first time it’s being hosted in sub-Saharan Africa in its entire 89-year history. The conference will offer a platform to discuss and explore solutions around population issues such as world poverty, mortality, life expectancy, migration, policy challenges in Africa, among other population and development issues.
AFIDEP is being represented at the conference by Dr. Eliya Zulu, AFIDEP’s Executive Director, and Dr. Bernard Onyango, Knowledge Translation Scientist.
A new feature of the conference is the opportunity for research centers and institutions interested in population issues to organise a sponsored session on a research topic of special importance to them. Dr. Zulu will be participating as a panelist in in two sponsored research sessions. The sessions, Session 38: Our Next World « Rethinking demography and Session 293: Population, poverty, and inequality in Africa: trends, data needs and future research directions » will be held on Monday, 30 October 2017 and Friday, 4 November 2017 respectively.
AFIDEP will also be participating in the ordinary sessions throughout the conference week. Dr. Bernard Onyango will be a discussant during Session 118: Public Policy and fertility change, scheduled for Tuesday, 31 October 2017, which Dr. Zulu will also be chairing. In addition, Dr. Zulu will be a discussant at Session 220: Policies to enhance the realisation of the demographic dividend in Africa scheduled for Thursday, 2 November 2017.
You can follow the conversation on Twitter: #IPC2017
For more information regarding AFIDEP’s participation at the 28th International Population Conference, you can follow this link: