Conference Theme: “Investing in human capital for the achievement of Kenya’s Vision 2030”
Kenya’s population has experienced a steady increase from 10.9 million in 1969 to 28.7 million in 1999 to 38.6 million in 2009 and at 47.6 million in 2019. This translates to an annual average rate of 2.3 percent growth rate since 2009. Overall, the annual population growth rate has declined however, Kenya is faced with an increasingly youthful population with the attendant opportunities and challenges.
In 2012, Kenya developed the Sessional Paper No. 3 on Population Policy for National Development (PPND). The goal of this Policy was to attain high quality of life for the people of Kenya by managing population growth that can be sustained within the available resources. This Policy is anchored on the Kenya Vision 2030. Population cuts across various sector, therefore there is need to have a wider consultation to build consensus.
Conference Objectives
The objectives of the conference are:
- To review the achievements/best practice, challenges, lessons learned and emerging issues in the implementation of Population policy;
- To discuss National and County population issues alongside the five thematic areas namely: Population size, structure and growth; Fertility; Morbidity and Mortality; Mobility, Urbanization and Migration; and Population, Human Settlement and Environment whilst also suggesting solutions towards ensuring quality population for the people of Kenya;
- To mainstream data, research, innovation and technology in addressing population concerns; and
- To share the draft Population Policy.
Expected Outputs
- Recommendations to facilitate finalization of the National Population Policy;
- Build consensus on solutions towards addressing the population concerns in Kenya; and
- A draft multi-sectoral implementation plan which is oriented towards achieving the population and development goal of the country.
Expected Outcomes
- Revised draft National Population Policy;
- Re-energize the partners in population programme towards increasing resources for the population concerns; and
- National and County specific programs towards addressing the population concerns.
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