The Malawi Liverpool Welcome-Trust Policy Unit (MLW) and AFIDEP are holding a virtual one-day training to enhance knowledge, skills and value of evidence informed decision making and how to optimise evidence uptake among MLW’s researchers. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the capacity of MLW’s cadre of researchers to play a proactive role in promoting evidence uptake in policy formulation and implementation.
The one-day workshop will cover the Foundation of Policymaking and Evidence use, and Planning for Evidence Uptake – Stakeholder analyses to be facilitated by AFIDEP and Ministry of Health (MoH). The workshop will target at least 1 early-level and 1 senior-level career researcher from each MLW research group.
The training is a pre-cursor to a five-day Policy Engagement Training which will be a physical workshop expected to be held in early 2021 subject to the COVID-19 situation and invited will be all MLW Research Groups.
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