The Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVEC), is planning a one-day online refresher training to support fellows (RCDFs) working under the programme to develop policy-focused products from their research. This training is planned with the understanding that many of the fellows are now quite advanced in their research, and are at a stage where they can engage policymakers and other stakeholders.
The training is also set within the context of refreshing fellows’ knowledge and skills acquired during the first training conducted in October 2018. Compared to the first training, this second training will be more focused and should help RCDFs produce specific and appropriate policy and communication products from their research. Thus, the training will be hands on and tailored towards fellows motivated to develop such products.
The training will be led by AFIDEP with support from LSTM colleagues. The curriculum for the training and the specific topics to be covered will be shared before the training.
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