Initiative for Learning and Evidence to Address Teen Pregnancy Among Girls in School in Malawi (I-LEARN)

Overall, teenage pregnancies constituted one quarterof all pregnancies in Malawi in2016. This has worrisome implications forfemale education.
Findings from I-LEARN have shown that poverty is a major driver of both teen pregnancy among girls in school and of school dropouts.
While economic empowerment interventions are often viewed as unsustainable, our early findings indicate that simply educating teen girls and boys about sex, though important, is not enough to prevent teen pregnancy and school dropout – it is also necessary to address the larger context.
For many girls in Malawi, that means addressing social, economic and cultural barriers.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) is undertaking a study, I-LEARN, to provide an understanding of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in Malawi. It aims to identify best practices and interventions to prevent teenage pregnancy among girls in school and provide policy and programme recommendations to address this issue.

The study has three components:

  1. evidence synthesis through a review of literature on interventions to prevent pregnancy among girls in school,
  2. an analysis of secondary data on causes of teen pregnancy in Malawi, and
  3. focus group discussions and key informant interviews in two districts in Malawi – Dowa and Mangochi.

From its activities, the study will derive recommendations to promote the implementation of evidence-informed policies and programmes to address teenage pregnancy among girls in school in Malawi.

The project contributes to evidence on the major causes of teenage pregnancy among school girls aged 15-19 in Malawi; identifies best practices and interventions to prevent teenage pregnancy among girls drawing from regional literature, and; provides policy and programme recommendations.Read the I-LEARN information sheet Information Sheet - Teen pregnancy in Malawi

Malawi Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare

Key Details

Dates: February 2019 to Present

The project aims to provide a better understanding of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in Malawi, and identify best practices, interventions, policy and programme recommendations to address the issue.

Where: Malawi
Project Manager:Nurudeen Alhassan, Ph.D.

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