Our People

John has a distinguished career spanning over 26 years in Senior Management and Leadership positions. He is the Finance and Commercial Director – Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd (KenGen).
He has developed and executed financing plans for Kenya’s Vision 2030 flagship energy projects, participated actively in energy policy and energy bill 2012 development, participated and implemented G2G strategic plan for KenGen with a vision to generate 3000MW by 2018.
John leads on raising of funds to finance multi-billion energy generation projects, managing financier and banking relationships, supply chain and ICT.
Previously, he was Head of Corporate Finance at Kenya Airways (KQ) where he was in charge of corporate finance and responsible for aircraft financing of 4 Boeing 777s and Boeing Dreamliners ( B787) for the Pride of Africa, Kenya Airways, funding operations, new business ventures and investments, risks management through hedging of fuel and multiple currencies, managing the finance function of KQ foreign stations worldwide, managing fuel procurement and operations and credit control.
John was also Finance and Performance Manager at Coca-Cola Nairobi Bottlers Ltd responsible for Finance and Performance of the Company, Supply Chain, Distribution, Operations, ICT, Credit Control. He participated in developing new organisation structure at the South Africa headquarters, designed new systems that eliminated losses of bottles and crates and also improved productivity and efficiency by 50%.
Prior to this, John was Managing Director of Orbit Distributors LTD responsible for marketing and distributing William Wrigley Jr products in East Africa.
Other positions held include Finance Manager at World Vision International, Senior Auditor – Coopers and Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers ).
John holds a Master of Business Administration and Master of International Business Administration both from United States International University, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting ) Honours from the University of Nairobi.
He is a Fellow of Institute of Certified public Accountants of Kenya (FCPAK ), serving member ICPAK disciplinary committee, Member of Kenya Institute of Management, previous Member IATA fuel Committee and Chairman- African Airlines Association- Fuel Committee. (AFRAA).
John has earned several awards including :- Best MBA and MIBA Student, Best Business Counsellor for SMEs, Best Business Trainer for SMEs.
John is married with four(4) children.