We need to fix how research is accessed for development
20 avril 2021
Author: Tom Drake, Rose Oronje and Jon Harle

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many publishers provided immediate open access to journal articles through their emergency response initiatives. While some commended this move, others point out what it reveals: how much vital and often publicly funded research is protected behind paywalls, with access a temporary gift.

In a blog published by Centre for Global Development, Dr. Rose Oronje, Director, Public Policy and Communications at AFIDEP, together with Tom Drake, Senior Policy Analyst at Centre for Global Development and Jon Harle, Director of Programmes at INASP outline why affordable, open access to research is a critical issue for global development. They call for development funders and researchers to:

  • Support Plan S—an open access publishing initiative supported by a coalition of research agencies and funders—and ensure the perspectives of stakeholders in LMICs are heard in plans for reform.
  • Choose to publish on progressive open access platforms.
  • Seek opportunities to support access to evidence (and to publish) for researchers and research users in LMICs.

Read full blog

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