
Young African girl drinking water from a jerry can. Photo: Flickr/connect4climate
A town in Cameroon Photo: Flickr/Hưng Hải Bùi
Cyprien Mvondo a charcoal maker who works in the forest near Ovangoul village, Cameroon. Photo: Flickr/Ollivier Girard
  • Cameroon is among 14 African countries that AFIDEP has supported to develop awareness and policy options for harnessing the demographic dividend
  • IMPALA programme aims to generate scientific knowledge and implementable solutions for issues related to lung health in Africa. The programme, spanning 10 African countries, builds upon a critical mass of internationally excellent clinical and applied health scientists who are experts in lung health and strengthens the capacity of emerging interdisciplinary lung health researchers from Africa
  • Under PIIVeC, AFIDEP is working with scientists from Burkina Faso to increase their leadership role of vector biologists in global policymaking on vector-borne disease

Key Details

Population Indicators

  • Total Population (millions): 25.2 (HDR 2019)
  • Population ages 15- 64 (of total ppn-millions): 13.8 (HDR 2019)
  • Population under age 15 (% of total ppn): 43% (PRB 2019)
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (births per woman): 4.8 (PRB 2019)

Economic development

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per Capita (2011 PPP $): 3,352 (HDR 2019)
  • Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of ppn): 37.5% (WB 2014)
  • Share of youth not in education, employment or training, total (% of youth ppn): 17% (WB 2011)

Health and well-being

  • Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births): 55.1 (HDR 2019)
  • Government health expenditure (% of total): 4.7% (HDR 2019)

Education and skills development

  • Literacy rates, adult (%, ages 15 and older): 71.3% (HDR 2019)
  • Government expenditure on education (% of total): 3.1% (HDR 2019)

Environment and Climate

  • Agricultural land (% of land area): 20.6% (WB 2016)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 39.3% (WB 2016)
Sources:World Bank Reports (WB)UNDP Human Development Reports 2019 (HDR)Population Reference Bureau World Population Datasheet 2019 (PRB)

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8 mars 2014 / Brochures

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