Our People

Rose is a development policy and communications specialist with over 15 years’ experience in designing and implementing public policy and governance research, knowledge translation, communication and evidence uptake interventions, and capacity development for enabling evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in development efforts in Africa. With a strong background in science communication and policy analysis, Rose has extensive experience in conducting analyses of policies and policy environments, and translating and communicating research to policymakers and other general audiences (including the mass media). She also has extensive experience in designing and delivering capacity building programmes in knowledge translation, including research-to-policy communications, but also research utilisation by policymakers, media practitioners, and civil society.
At AFIDEP, Rose provides strategic leadership in the design and conduct of research on policy analysis, political economy analysis, and knowledge translation; and design and delivery of capacity development interventions aimed at enabling EIDM as well as knowledge translation and policy engagement interventions aimed at supporting evidence uptake in decision-making. Rose has designed and led implementation of multi-year, multi-country programmes with African Ministries of Health, African Parliaments and Parliamentary Networks, Universities and Research Consortia and Networks, and Media. Her publications have focused mainly on the areas of health policymaking, research-to-policy in the health sector, and capacity development for nurturing an EIDM culture.
Prior to joining AFIDEP, Rose headed the Policy Engagement and Communications unit at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) from 2004-2009.
Rose earned her Ph.D. from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. She also has a Master’s Degree in Communications from the University of Nairobi, and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science from Moi University.
List of Publications
- Abdullahi L, Onyango JJ, Mukiira C, Wamicwe J, Githiomi R, Kariuki D, … Oronje, R, Kariuki J, and L Mayieka (2020) Community interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries to inform COVID-19 control implementation decisions in Kenya: A rapid systematic review. PLoS ONE, 15(12): e0242403. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0242403
- Murunga, VI, RN Oronje, I Bates, N Tagoe, J Pulford (2020) Scoping review of published evidence on knowledge translation capacity, practice and support among researchers and research institutions in low- and middle- income countries, Health Research Policy and Systems, 18:16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-019-0524-0
- Oronje, RN, VI Murunga, EM Zulu (2019) Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Sector Policymaking: Experience from Kenya and Malawi, Health Research Policy and Systems, 18:16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-019-0511-5
- Oronje, R, EM Zulu (2018) Contribution of a network of parliamentary committees of health to the ecosystem of evidence use in African parliaments, Evidence & Policy. https://10.1332/174426418X15314037224599
- Oronje, R, EM Zulu (2017) Working with parliamentary committees of health to tackle health issues in Africa. Nairobi: AFIDEP.
- Georgalakis, J; Jessani, N; Oronje, R, Ramalingam, B (eds) (2017) The Social Realities of Knowledge for Development. Brighton: IDS/Impact Initiative.
- Longwe-Ngwira, A, R Oronje, B Ngwira, N Mushani, M Nkhata, E Zulu (2016) Status of evidence use in health policy formulation in Malawi: Results from three policy analysis case studies. Nairobi: AFIDEP.
- Longwe-Ngwira, A, R Oronje, N Mushani (2015) Mid-term review of the performance of the Malawi National Health Research Agenda. AFIDEP Research Report. Lilongwe: AFIDEP.
- Murunga, V, J Abisi, R Oronje, E Zulu (2014) An Assessment of capacity needs for application of research evidence in decision-making in the health sector in Kenya. Nairobi: AFIDEP.
- Oronje, R (2014) Landscape Analysis of MNCH, FP and HIV/AIDS Integration in Eastern and Southern Africa. Nairobi: AFIDEP.
- Oronje, R (2013) The Kenyan National Response to Internationally Agreed Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Goals: A Case Study of Three Policies, Reproductive Health Matters, 2013, 21(2): 151-160. https://1016/S0968-8080(13)42749-0
- Oronje, R (2013) Understanding the drivers of change in sexual and reproductive health policy and legislation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex. Link: http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/46469/
- Hawkins, K, H MacGregor, R Oronje (2013) The Health of Women and Girls in Urban Areas with a Focus on Kenya and South Africa: A Review. IDS Brief Supporting Evidence Report Brighton: IDS.
- Oronje, R, J Crichton, S Theobald, NO Lithur, L Ibisomi (2011) Operationalising Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: The Constraints, the Dilemmas and the Opportunities, BMC International Health and Human Rights, 11(Suppl 3): S8. (Highly accessed). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-698X-11-S3-S8
- Standing, H, R Oronje, K Hawkins (eds). Contextualising rights: the lived experience of sexual and reproductive health rights, BMC International Health and Human Rights, 2011, vol 11 Suppl.
- Oronje, R, C Undie, E Zulu, J Crichton (2011) Engaging media in communicating research on sexual and reproductive health and rights in sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and lessons learned, Health Research Policy and Systems, 9(Suppl 1): S7. https://doi.org/10.1186/1478-4505-9-S1-S7
- Fotso, JC, A Ezeh, R Oronje (2008) Provision and use of maternal health services among the urban poor in Kenya: what do we know and what can we do? Journal of Urban Health, 85(3): 428-442.