
The 2014 meeting of the Network of African Parliamentary Committees of Health (NEAPACOH) kicked off today in Kampala, Uganda. This year’s meeting is anchored around accountability for FP2020 committments, enhancing the demographic dividend in the region in the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Those participating include parliamentarians who sit on the committees of health, social services, population and development as well as representatives of development partners, NGOs, civil society and other important stakeholders engaged in family planning, reproductive health, and maternal and child health programmes.
AFIDEP is a co-convener of the meeting organised by Partners in Population and Development – Africa Regional Office. Dr. Eliya Zulu (Executive Director, AFIDEP) will be making a presentation on ‘Policy and legislative opportunities for harnessing Africa’s big youth population for socioeconomic development.’
It is expected that representatives from about 18 countries will attend the meeting which is being held at the Speke Resort Munyono in Kampala and will run till October 4, 2014.
Click here to download the 2014 programme.