Bi-Annual Newsletter

AFIDEP News is the African Institution for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published bi-annually to update stakeholders on our programmes. This issue of the newsletter (for the period January–June 2024) covers our work and impact on issues related to population and development. Download the full copy here:

?Now out! AFIDEP Newsletter, July – December 2023 AFIDEP News is the African Institution for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published bi-annually to update stakeholders on our programmes. It highlights emerging policy issues in population dynamics, demographic dividend, health and well-being; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; gender equality, governance and accountability. This newsletter covers some of our work and impact in institutionalising use of evidence for the period running between June – December, 2023. To read the newsletter:

AFIDEP News is the African Institution for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published bi-annually to update stakeholders on our programmes. It highlights emerging policy issues in population dynamics, demographic dividend, health and well-being; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; gender equality, governance and accountability. This newsletter covers our work and impact in institutionalising use of evidence for the period running between January – June, 2023. To read the newsletter: CLICK HERE.

AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates on AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability. Download here:

AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy’s newsletter, published to provide our stakeholders with updates on AFIDEP’s programmes and to highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) newsletter published to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

AFIDEP E-Newsletter is published thrice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

Theme: African Governments Must Embrace Use of Evidence for Development Impact
AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

Theme: Local evidence in Africa’s COVID-19 Responses.
AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

Theme: ICPD25: Accelerating the promise.
AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

Issue theme: Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.
AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.

Issue theme: Governance.
AFIDEP News is the African Institute for Development Policy’s newsletter. It is published twice a year to provide our stakeholders with updates of AFIDEP’s programmes and highlight emerging policy issues in population dynamics and demographic dividend; health and wellbeing; transformative education and skills development; environment and climate change; and governance and accountability.