Focus Areas

We focus on clarifying the implications of population change –including population growth, age structure changes, migration and urbanisation– on Africa’s development prospects.

This is an area of our work that aims to promote and nurture strong health systems in African countries in order to make significant progress on persistent health challenges as well as emerging epidemics such as non-communicable diseases, antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases and many others.

Our work on this theme focuses on synthesising and translating evidence and promoting its use in order to enhance the prioritisation of education and skill development and guide operationalisation of education reforms to turn Africa’s youthful population into a driving force for socioeconomic transformation and development.

Our work on this theme focuses on support African governments to apply systems thinking and planning in their efforts to address the challenges posed by the combined effect of rapid population growth and climate change on the continent.

Our work on this theme focuses on strengthening capacity for evidence-informed decision-making as a mechanism for enhancing better governance and accountability in service delivery and use of public resources. We also look at the intersection of governance with gender equality.