Work With Us

AFIDEP is a regional non-profit research and policy Institute whose mission is to institutionalize a culture of consistent use of evidence in public policy formulation and implementation to address various development challenges in Africa. Our work focuses on five thematic areas namely: Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend, Health and Wellbeing, Transformative Education and Skills Development, Environment and Climate Change, and Governance and Accountability. The Institute is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization in Kenya and Malawi where it has offices and in the USA as a 501c3 non-profit organization.



AFIDEP is an African-led, non-profit research and policy institute, established in 2010 to institutionalise a culture of evidence use in the public sector and to bridge the gaps between research, policy and practice in development efforts in Africa. AFIDEP is registered as a non-governmental organisation in Kenya and Malawi and as a non-profit institution in the USA, with 501(c)3 status. AFIDEP contributes to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other development strategies by enabling the use of evidence in the formulation and implementation of development policies and programmes. To do this, we undertake activities that fall in two broad categories:

  1. Research generation, synthesis and translation for decision-making
  2. Capacity development for increased research use and evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM), including strengthening individual and institutional capacity for research synthesis, analysis, translation, packaging, communications and policy engagement.

AFIDEP implements work in five thematic areas:

  1. Population dynamics and demographic dividend;
  2. Health and well-being;
  3. Transformative education and skills development;
  4. Environment and climate change; and
  5. Governance and accountability.

B. About the Advance Domestic Health Financing Project

The Advance Domestic Health Financing (ADHF) project aims to contribute to enhancing domestic political will, resource investments, adaptation and implementation of evidence-informed policies, and effective utilization of available health financing resources (ODA and domestic) in Africa. The project is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation). The project seeks to build on the government’s economic recovery and debt management efforts, the African Union (AU)’s Africa Leadership Meeting (ALM) declaration commitments, other domestic, regional, and global commitments related to PHC, family planning (FP), girls and women’s health including the Abuja declaration, ICPD+25, FP2030, the 2021 generation equality forum, and SDGs. All these require political will, good governance and leadership, and evidence-informed decision-making at the domestic level for tangible commitments to increase the salience of “spend enough and spend well on health” with particular attention to PHC, girls and women’s health “as a driver of human capital for economic growth, not a cost”. The ADHF project is leveraging the momentum of the ALM declaration of 2019, political influence moments as they arise in front runner countries including Kenya and Zambia.

C. Efficiency Analysis and Data Availability and Use

  • Efficiency Analysis

Health sector efficiency is a critical measure of how effectively inputs are transformed into quality health services. In light of declining donor funding and limited domestic fiscal space, there is an urgent need to explore innovative financing mechanisms to bolster domestic health financing and ensure the sustainability of the health sector. Increasing the efficiency of health allocation and expenditure can make a larger contribution to closing the funding gap than simply increasing revenue over the next decade. Consequently, enhancing efficiency has become a primary objective for policymakers and managers, aiming to maximise health outcomes relative to expenditures. When used appropriately, efficiency indicators serve as vital instruments for optimising the allocation and utilisation of limited resources, thereby improving overall health financing.

Improved efficiency does not simply mean saving money but entails getting better results from available resources, that is “more health for the money”. Inefficient health systems result in poor health outcomes that hinder the attainment of SDGs and UHC. In the Lower-and Middle-Income Countries, health systems are faced with challenges such as poor leadership and governance, extreme shortages of health workers and delayed salaries, corruption in procurement systems for medical products and technologies, poor information systems, inadequate health financing resources leading to increased out-of-pocket payment (OOP), lack of effective service delivery and limited research and development to inform decision making.

  • Data availability and use

Data availability and use is one of the many possible factors that undermine evidence-based decision making. In many instances, information is not always available for decision making -or if it is available- it is not always used. This can be traced to limited demand for information, lack of data ownership by decision makers, perception that the available data is of poor quality, and lack of technical capacity and organizational infrastructure to make the available data user-friendly and useful to decision maker.

In 2019, the African heads of state including Kenya, endorsed the Africa Leadership Meeting (ALM) commitments. During the high level dialogue, Kenya committed to address the data and digitization need by strengthening all areas of PFM for health, including budget formulation, execution, and budget monitoring, evaluation, and accountability; accelerating strategic purchasing to strengthen the linkage between health sector performance and investments; digitization across all health sector building blocks for enhanced efficiency, accountability and transparency; and address disparities in the efficiency of providing health services between counties through peer-to-peer learning.


To address the pressing efficiency challenges faced by healthcare systems at county level, AFIDEP purposes to identify and comprehend the inefficiencies that hinder optimal performance by the counties and to explore how enhancing efficiency can alleviate some of the financial constraints impacting the sector. In addition, AFIDEP will carry out an assessment of data availability and use at county level to enhance evidence-based decision making. Therefore, the study will devise potential efficiency and data utilization mechanisms that can be applied by the counties to improve their performance.

D. Objective of the Assignment

The purpose of the study is to examine the efficiency levels in the selected counties health care systems and services and devise strategies for improvement. The study will focus on health systems and services geared towards improving PHC and women’s and girls’ health. Specifically, the study will;

  1. Carry out efficiency analysis of the health sector in the selected counties of Nyandarua, Laikipia, Homa Bay, Tana River and Taita Taveta and devise ways for improvement to create more resources for health
  2. Model the efficiency levels for the select counties health care systems and the PHC and RMNCAH interventions/activities that are undertaken at the county level
  3. Assess the level to which research and development including data availability and use influence decision making in the select counties

E. Methodology

Methodology and Approach

The study will involve a consultative process with the counties departments of health, AFIDEP team and the consultant to establish the efficiency levels and data needs and gaps for PHC and women’s and girls’ health.  The consultant will be expected to:

  1. Provide a plan for conceptualisation and measurement of efficiency levels in health systems to increase the understanding of the nature and magnitude of system’s efficiency level in the select counties and devise ways for improvement to create more resources for health
  2. Assess the efficiency level in the utilisation of the available resources for health in the select counties and the effect of the efficiency in providing quality health services with the allocated health resources
  3. Analyse the fundamental concepts of efficiency including allocative efficiency (AE) and technical efficiency (TE) in health sector in the select counties and give evidence-based and actionable recommendations for improvement.
  4. Identify and analyse the successes and challenges in improving efficiency in health systems in the select Counties.
  5. Identify the context of data use in the select counties and the constraints that may affect the use of data
  6. Assess the level to which research and development including data availability and use influence decision making in the select counties
  7. Devise ways to improve the inefficiencies and enhance data availability and use for decision making

The Consultant will therefore:

  1. Carry out literature review to inform the efficiency analysis
  2. Propose and justify the appropriate study design, efficiency model and data collection techniques to be used in the efficiency study.
  3. Give a detailed description of the data tools of choice and their relevance in informing the final outputs
  4. Provide sampling design, data collection and analysis procedures, quality assurance and ethical considerations.

F. Expected Period of Performance

August – November 2024

G. Summary of Deliverables

Task Output/Deliverable Approx. 25 consultancy Days
Efficiency Analysis and Assessment of Data Availability and Use
  Task Deliverable/Output Expected Timelines
1 Develop inception report outlining the approach of undertaking the assignment Inception Report Aug 23, 2024
2 Conduct literature review Literature Review Aug 30, 2024
3 Design study tools Investment case reports Sep 5, 2024
4 Map interview respondents together with AFIDEP team in consultation with County leadership. List of interview respondents Sep 9, 2024
5 Lead the interview processes for the select counties as well as transcription and data entry Interview notes, Transcripts, recordings and data collected Oct 11 2024
6 Lead data analysis and write the report Final Report Oct 25, 2024
7 Together with AFIDEP team, host virtual validation meetings to discuss results emerging from the study Report of validation meeting and revised final report and policy briefs Nov 15,2024
8 Dissemination of the report to the counties for uptake of the findings by the policy makers at County level Feedback from the Counties Nov 29, 2024


H. Qualifications and Experience of the Consultant

We are looking for a consultant with extensive experience on Efficiency and Data Gap Analysis. Specifically, the consultant should have the following qualifications;

  • Master’s degree in Economics, Health Economics, Health Financing, Public Health, Health Planning, Health Systems Strengthening and Management, and related fields
  • At least 10 years- of progressive professional experience related thematic areas
  • Demonstrated successful experience in developing evidence-based publications, efficiency analysis, data management and monitoring, financial sustainability plans, policy briefs, strategies, guidelines, and reports
  • Fluency in English with excellent writing, analytical and communication skills.
  • Evidence of publication of research study articles in refereed journals.
  • Ability to work with a multi-disciplinary team of experts;
  • Experience working with different stakeholders/counterparts at national and global levels.
  • Demonstrated experience with writing and editing project plans, policy briefs and policy reports.

I. Expression of Interest

To apply, please submit the following:

  1. A one-page application letter of expression of interest, outlining your previous experience and how it is relevant to the proposed assignment. It should also indicate your availability and consultancy rates.
  2. Brief technical proposal with clearly outlined methodology, assessment approach and techniques and tools to be employed.
  3. Detailed budget for conducting the study.
  4. A sample of at least 3 recently written reports of similar or related research assignments.
  5. Updated CV, including references of at least three institutional clients you have recently conducted research for.
  6. Detail work plan.

All expressions of interest should be clearly marked with the following statements, “Efficiency Analysis and Assessment of Data Availability and Use for Decision Making in Laikipia, Nyandarua, Tana River, Taita Taveta and Homa Bay Counties and must be sent by email to the following email address by:, with a copy to: Kindly note that this position will remain open until filled, and the selection process will be on a rolling basis. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


AFIDEP is a regional non-profit research and policy Institute whose mission is to institutionalize a culture of consistent use of evidence in public policy formulation and implementation to address various development challenges in Africa. AFIDEP is implementing a 6-month learning project to test the theory of enhancing the salience of dedicated financing for disease surveillance as the foundation for Pandemic Preparedness and Readiness (PPR) in Africa.  

 AFIDEP is seeking a Health Economist to lead the design and execution of the “Financing Surveillance and Pandemics Preparedness and Readiness” Project. In collaboration with Ministries of Health, other government agencies, the private sector, and civil society organizations, the ideal candidate will drive the generation of evidence needed to inform discussions on surveillance, pandemic preparedness, and readiness. They will provide technical support to policymakers and facilitate regional-level engagement for domestic financing of surveillance and PPR programs. The primary focus will be to lead the project’s implementation in alignment with government needs and to expedite the execution of its commitments and strategies to enhance the country’s dedication to sustainable financing of surveillance and PPR.  

The Role and Responsibilities 

The role will involve working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other government agencies, parliament, private sector and civil society organizations at national and sub-national level. The focus will mainly be to lead the project’s implementation by carrying out high level consultations and providing technical assistance and evidence that governments need to inform and accelerate the integration of surveillance and PPR into relevant national and sub-national budgets for sustainable financing for surveillance and PPR. The candidate will also support the regional-level engagement for domestic financing to build on countries’ ALM momentum to strengthen surveillance and PPR financing.  Specifically, the candidate will:  

  • To support the design and implementation of engagements to expedite the commitments and strategies to enhance domestic health financing for surveillance and PPR in Kenya, Zambia and regional level 
  • Work closely with senior leadership at the MoH to provide technical support needed by government and other stakeholders to inform and accelerate integration of surveillance and PPR into domestic health financing priorities.  
  • Support the design and conduct of analyses and modelling to generate data and evidence needed to inform government decisions on sustainable financing for surveillance and PPR 
  • Present the data and evidence generated from these analyses above in high-quality research paper, policy briefs, and presentations to high-level policymakers and other stakeholders.  
  • Provide technical support to government’s efforts in resource mobilization both domestically, including private sector engagement, and external financing to ensure surveillance and PPR programs are financed more sustainably through diverse and innovative sources of funding. 
  • Support the design and planning of highly productive policy dialogues with high-level policymakers, private sector, and civil society organizations at national and regional level. 
  • Contribute to the monitoring, learning and evaluation of this to ensure sustained adaptation and integration of emerging lessons into the design of the work. 
  • Support the preparation of implementation reports to the funder.  


  • PhD in Economics, Health Economics, or other relevant disciplines or a master’s degree in Economics, Health Economics or any other relevant disciplines with more than 5 years of relevant working experience in similar position either in Kenya or Zambia.  
  • Demonstrated knowledge of health financing systems and related concepts, with an ability to review and analyze policies, strategies and plans in health financing and overall health systems. 
  • Excellent problem-solving, analytical, qualitative and quantitative skills, including attention to detail and experience in modeling using relevant statistical software. 
  • Strong communication skills, including preparation and delivery of compelling technical presentations, reports and other documents. 
  • Effective interpersonal skills with demonstrated ability to build strong professional relationships with a range of stakeholders, and excellent organizational skills. 
  • Proven ability to coordinate and manage multi-stakeholder and multi-country projects and timelines.  
  • Ability to work independently, set priorities, and handle multiple tasks concurrently. 
  • At least three years of senior-level and relevant experience in a demanding, results-oriented environment. 

To apply: Please send a motivation letter indicating your suitability for the position and a detailed CV, which should include three relevant referees to: not later than 18th October, 2024. Include the job title in the email subject. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

AFIDEP is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.  

Download job description: Advert- Health Economist


AFIDEP is a regional non-profit research and policy Institute whose mission is to institutionalize a culture of consistent use of evidence in public policy formulation and implementation to address various development challenges in Africa. Our work focuses on five thematic areas: Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend, Health and Well-Being, Transformative Education and Skills Development, Environment and Climate Change, and Governance and Accountability. The Institute is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization in Kenya and Malawi, where it has offices, and in the USA as a 501c3 non-profit organization.  

AFIDEP is in a collaborative consortium with several other entities, serving as an Impact Partner Organisation (IPO) for a large global Foundation. The IPO is implementing a two-year function-oriented plan to support and strengthen the execution of the Foundation’s Impact Strategy in four impact support areas, co-defined by the Foundation and the IPO. The four areas are a) Program Support, b) Impact Delivery Support, c) Impact Field Building, and d) Specialized Services. The cross-cutting elements of the IPO’s approach include decolonization, furthering youth narratives, Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion (GESI), real-time or developmental evaluation, and upholding the Foundation’s values of co-creation and sharing best practices. 

The Role and Responsibilities 

AFIDEP is looking for a Senior Evaluation Epert to support and coordinate the design and implementation of this work. The role will involve working hand-in-hand with other consortium partners and the Foundation to do the following:  

  • Conducting evaluations: Leading and carrying out evaluations of projects, including design, analysis, and drafting  
  • Presenting findings: Presenting plans, concepts, findings, and key messages to clients and key actors  
  • Drafting reports: Drafting reports and reviewing output for quality assurance  
  • Assessing effectiveness: Assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of programs, projects, or policies  
  • Making recommendations: Making recommendations for future program planning implementation  
  • Collaborating with teams: Collaborating with teams to ensure effective communication and utilization of evaluation findings 

Qualifications and experience 

  • A Master of Science in Monitoring & Evaluation Studies, Economics, Statistics, or any Quantitative Social Scientist PLUS an additional qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation. 
  • A minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in the field of monitoring and evaluation. 
  • Excellent problem-solving, analytical, and quantitative skills, including attention to detail and experience in using relevant statistical software. Knowledge of qualitative impact evaluation methodologies will be an added advantage. 
  • Strong communication skills, including in the preparation and delivery of compelling technical presentations, reports, and other documents. 
  • Effective interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability to build strong professional relationships with a range of stakeholders and excellent organizational skills. 
  • Proven ability to coordinate and manage multi-stakeholder evaluation projects and timelines.  
  • Ability to work independently, set priorities, and handle multiple tasks concurrently. 

To apply: Please send a motivation letter indicating your suitability for the position and a detailed CV, which should include three relevant referees to: not later than 25th October 2024. Include the job title in the email subject. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

AFIDEP is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.  

 Download job description: Advert_Senior Evaluation Expert



About the Organisation 

The African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) is a pan-African non-profit research and policy institute established in 2010 to bridge the gaps between research, policy, and practice in Africa. AFIDEP supports governments to consistently use robust evidence to inform policy formulation, resource allocation, and programme implementation to accelerate achievement of the sustainable development goals and other long term national goals. AFIDEP’s work focuses on six areas: Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend, Health and Wellbeing, Climate Change, Governance and Accountability, Transformative Education and Skills Development, Environment and Gender Equality and implements programmes across Africa. The Institute is registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation in Kenya and Malawi, where it has offices, and in the United States as a 501c3 non-profit organisation. 

Role Summary 

AFIDEP seeks a motivated and experienced candidate to fill the Resource Mobilisation Officer (Kenya) position in the Institute’s Business Development Department. The Business Development Department’s primary objective is to spearhead the implementation of the Institute’s Resource Mobilisation Strategy. The Resource Mobilisation Officer will work collaboratively with the Business Development Department, focus areas and programmes, policy engagement and communications, finance, grants, administration, human resources, and monitoring and evaluation teams across the organisation. They will directly support the coordination and delivery of all the institutional resource mobilisation efforts, including and not limited to: mapping opportunities for strategic partnerships; coordinating engagement with potential funders and partners; coordinating and contributing to proposal development; contributing to continuous improvement of the Department’s strategies, processes, and procedures; supporting monitoring, evaluation, and reporting, and contributing to institutional brand building activities. The position will be based at AFIDEP’s Nairobi, Kenya, and Lilongwe Malawi Offices.  

Key Responsibilities 

  • Contribute to strategic planning to implement the Business Development Department’s work plan 
  • Research and identify potential funders and update the historical maps in the Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement application and other tools 
  • Support establish and maintain collaborative relationships with the Institute’s partners, including other research organisations, academia, government, media, civil society etc., to optimise proposal development, project implementation and enhance the AFIDEP brand 
  • Scan for relevant calls for proposals and concepts notes, and generate summaries for quick decision-making 
  • Support proposal development (background research, collating project information, organisational information, customising biographies and curriculum vitae to calls, etc.) 
  • Support registration to funders’ and partners’ online proposal submission platforms 
  • Support engagement with funders and partners  
  • Populate partnership assessment and due diligence documentation 
  • Support planning and participate in events and meetings relevant to resource mobilisation and partnerships building 
  • Support monitoring the Department’s impact and reporting 
  • Other miscellaneous tasks as required 

Minimum Qualifications 

  • University degree in social sciences, humanities, international development, communications or other relevant disciplines 
  • A Master’s degree in a relevant discipline is desirable 

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities 

  • At least five years’ demonstrable experience in a similar position – business development, proposal development, grants management and reporting, strategic communications and events planning in non-profit, consulting, research or academia 
  • Knowledge of USAID, NIH, EU, FCDO, NIHR, IDRC, global foundations, charities etc. applications/bids requirements and procurement portals 
  • Excellent interpersonal skills 
  • Excellent analytical skills 
  • Ability to deliver quality work within tight deadlines and supervision 
  • Excellent organisation skills  
  • Ability to write, edit, proofread and communicate 
  • Experience planning and executing strategic events 
  • Ability to work in a multicultural context 
  • Good research experience, i.e., able to find, consolidate, synthesise and use data for proposals and reporting 


To apply for this position, please submit your application to including the position title in the email subject, by 25th October 2024. The application should include 1) a motivation letter indicating your suitability for the position, and 2) a detailed curriculum vitae with three relevant referees. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

AFIDEP is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. 

 Download job description: Advert_ Resource Mobilisation Officer