
AFIDEP and M&C Saatchi are hosting a workshop on communicating the demographic dividend in Dar es Salaam Tanzania from 4 to 5 October 2017.
The workshop is part of a project that seeks to recruit key influencers communicating and advocating on issues related to one or more of the four pillars of the demographic dividend (as defined in the African Union’s Demographic Dividend Roadmap). The key influencers will take part in a participatory process to co-create clear and engaging, evidenced-based and action-oriented messaging and communications collateral. The four pillars outlined in the AU demographic dividend roadmap are: Education and skills development; Health and wellbeing; Rights, governance and youth empowerment; and employment and entrepreneurship.
The project is funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who have enlisted M&C Saatchi and AFIDEP to provide communications and subject matter expertise respectively. M&C Saatchi combines global communications and advocacy expertise creating narratives and frameworks with African-led creativity. They will be drawing in creative resources from their agencies across East and West Africa to deliver on this brief. AFIDEP has been working on the demographic dividend at both regional and country levels across Africa.
While the need for more clear and effective communications around the demographic dividend spans the globe, this investment will focus on Africa at the continental-level, with an in-depth lens on four countries: Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania. Materials created will include communications assets that can be harnessed for regional level advocacy as well as country-specific content that is tailored to the needs and requirements of each country context.