
African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) is co-organising the 13th Eastern Africa Reproductive Health Network (EARHN) coordination meeting, in partnership with Partners in Population and Development – Africa Region Office (PPD-ARO). PPD-ARO, based in Kampala, Uganda serves as the secretariat of the network.
Founded in 1996, EARHN aims to improve policy, funding and visibility of reproductive health/family planning (RH/FP) outcomes in the region. The South-South advocacy network comprises seven member countries – Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Public officials from member country government ministries and departments, as well as civil society representatives and champions on RH/FP will gather on 30– 31 May 2023 at Golden Tulip Westlands Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya for the 13th meeting. The meeting’s theme “Strengthened South to South Cooperation (SSC) for the Attainment of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Eastern Africa Region” will allow participants in moderated sessions to explore opportunities and avenues for countries to provide essential reproductive health services to its citizens by mobilizing domestic health financing.
Specifically, the coordination meeting will seek to achieve the following objectives to guide the work of the network:
- Review and validate the EARHN Strategic Plan 2022–2026
- Share country good practices and innovations for accelerating the attainment of UHC and SDGs in the region
- Develop Country Action Plans for the year 2023–2024 for implementing the Strategic Plan.
- Develop leadership and coordination mechanisms for a robust function EARHN
AFIDEP will make the following presentations on 30 May 2023:
- Advancing Domestic Financing for Health: A Key Fundamental for the Realization of UHC and SDGs in the Eastern Africa Region by Dr Rose Oronje, Director of Public Policy and Knowledge Translation, and Head of Kenya Office
- Integrating Population, Health and Environment for Sustainable Development by Mr Clive Mutunga, Project Director, Building Capacity for Integrated FP/RH and PED Action (BUILD)
AFIDEP will also moderate the following sessions on 31 May 2023:
- Validation of the EARHN Strategic Plan 2022–2026; Mr Clive Mutunga
- Development of Country Action Plans (2023/24) for Implementation of the EARHN Strategic Plan 2022–2026; Dr Jackson Otieno, Project Director, Advance Domestic Health Financing