The Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) in collaboration with the EAC Secretariat, EAC Partner States and other stakeholders are hosting a regional conference on integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE). PHE is an approach to development that integrates health and environmental conservation initiatives in order to seek synergistic successes for greater conservation and human welfare outcomes than single-sector approaches. Programmes that embrace the PHE approach strive to simultaneously improve access to health services while helping communities manage their natural resources in ways that improve their health and livelihoods.
The regional PHE Conference is expected to bring together about 300 high level policymakers including Ministers of Health, Ministers of Planning and Ministers of Environment; Members of the National Parliaments and the East African Legislative Assembly; Senior Government Officials; Researchers; PHE Programmers; Scientists and development partners from Eastern and Southern Africa. The aim is to review progress in PHE programming in the region and map strategies for policy review in line with the global Sustainable Development Agenda.
The main theme of the conference is “Integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE}: Lessons for the Sustainable Development Agenda” while the sub-themes include:-
- Advocacy, Communication and Institutionalisation of PHE Policy and Programming
- PHE in National, Regional and Global Strategies and Frameworks
- Integrating Population and Health into Environment and Natural Resource Management
- PHE, Climate Change and Resilience
- PHE Integration, Youth and Gender
- PHE and Inter-sectoral Coordination and Partnerships
- Monitoring, Evaluating and Scaling- up PHE
Dr Eliya Zulu will Co-Chair a session on PHE and Inter-sectoral Coordination and Partnerships.