
The LIGHT Consortium through its partners in Kenya, the African Institute of Development Policy (AFIDEP) and the Respiratory Society of Kenya (ReSoK), in collaboration with the Division of National Tuberculosis (TB), Leprosy and Lung Disease Program, Ministry of Health of Kenya, as well as with the organising committee comprising Kenya Medical Research Institute, Centre for Health Solutions – Kenya (CHS), Stop TB Partnership Kenya, and Kenyatta National Hospital is organising the World TB Day Symposium 2024.
- Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024
- Venue: Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
- Time: 8.00 a. m to 6.00 p.m. EAT
Register for virtual attendance here:
The World TB Day Symposium is a pivotal event aimed at addressing the multifaceted nature of TB. It will delve into the global and national burden of TB, exploring its determinants including gender influences, responses, and outcomes.
The theme of the symposium, “YES! We can end TB,” aligns with that of World Tuberculosis Day on March 24. This theme underscores collective commitment to raising awareness about the health, social, and economic consequences of TB while intensifying efforts to end the global TB epidemic.
Key symposium highlights include:
- Comprehensive and engaging panel discussions on various TB topics
- Exhibitions showcasing challenges and advancements in TB diagnostics
- Special focus on Kenya’s progress, challenges, and strategies in dealing with TB
- Exploration of the gender dimension of TB, emphasising the underrepresentation of men
- In-depth analysis of TB prevention, its significance, rationale, and effective implementation strategies, among others.
Leaving no-one behInd: transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB (LIGHT) Consortium is a six-year cross-disciplinary global health research programme funded by the UK government. It is led by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) working with partners in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and the UK.
AFIDEP and ReSoK lead the work of the Consortium in Kenya. The Consortium provides evidence on the effectiveness of different gender-responsive pathways and approaches to health for those with TB in urban settings.
For more inquiries, contact Lena Etyang at