
From 12-15 November 2018, the 5th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) will convene thousands of global policymakers and researchers, young people, faith leaders and family planning advocates from around the world in Kigali, Rwanda. The 2018 ICFP is being co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Rwanda.
Organised around the theme “Investing for a Lifetime of Returns”, the 2018 ICFP will have several sessions providing focus on the ways in which countries can harness the benefits of the demographic dividend to reap returns at the macro and micro levels, and the demographic dividend will be a highlighted track.
AFIDEP will be represented at the Conference by Dr. Eliya, AFIDEP Executive Director; Dr. Rose Oronje, Director – Communications and Evidence Uptake; and Dr. Bernard Onyango, Senior Knowledge Translation Scientist. They will participate in various sessions across the four days sharing experiences from AFIDEP’s work, where they will be highlighting the extensive and far-reaching social and economic benefits of family planning investments – for individuals, families, and countries.
For the list of AFIDEP’s sessions, please click on this link. You can also follow our updates of the various sessions featuring the participation of AFIDEP’s experts through our Twitter account and the hashtag: #ICFP2018
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