Demography and COVID-19 in Africa

Infographics derived from the webinar series focusing on key themes such as data, use of evidence, gendered impacts and widening inequality, mitigation measures and partnerships.

This report gives practical expression to the Addis Ababa Declaration and resonates with the African Union’s theme of 2017: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend: The future we want for Africa. The objective of the 2017 theme was to highlight the pivotal role that population dynamics can play in the socio economic transformation of our continent, through investing in our youth in order to achieve a demographic dividend for the continent.

Series Synthesis and Policy Options Recommendations

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Africa’s Prospects of Harnessing a Demographic Dividend

South Africa’s Social and Economic Programmes to Harness the Demographic Dividend

An Exploration of Evidence-based Service Delivery in the Times of COVID-19

The Demographic Impact of COVD-19: Global, Regional and National Experiences