Policy Briefs

This policy brief is part of a collection written by National Tuberculosis Programmes demonstrating strengthened capacity for evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) supported by the LIGHT research programme. To achieve substantial reduction in the TB incidence, Uganda needs to implement innovative approaches that integrate TB case-finding and prevention services delivered with high coverage and intensity in high burdened communities. The NTLP in Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MoH) has implemented several initiatives to enhance TB case-finding such as the active case-finding toolkit at health facilities and community awareness, screening, testing, treatment and prevention of TB (CAST-TB) campaigns. Read more:

This policy brief is part of a collection written by National Tuberculosis Programmes demonstrating strengthened capacity for evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) supported by the LIGHT research programme. In Nigeria, the major driving factors for TB includes undernourishment, HIV, diabetes, smoking, and alcohol use disorder, with undernourishment topping the list and driving of the cases. Poverty is the major underlying cause of the undernourishment. Provision of food and cash transfers have been shown to improve adherence to TB treatment, which leads to better treatment outcomes and reduction in disease transmission. Read more:

This policy brief is part of a collection written by National Tuberculosis Programmes demonstrating strengthened capacity for evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) supported by the LIGHT research programme. Kenya has made significant strides in reducing TB deaths by 44% compared to 2015, surpassing its target of 35% by 2021. Despite these gains, there’s been a decline in TB treatment coverage from 63% in 2018 to 59% in 2021. An effective supply chain management system ensures a consistent and uninterrupted supply of TB medications and commodities. It ensures timely and accurate distribution of TB commodities while preventing stock-outs or shortages. Read more:

This policy brief is part of a collection written by National Tuberculosis Programmes demonstrating strengthened capacity for evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) supported by the LIGHT research programme. In Malawi, the reliance on paper-based system makes documentation of cases cumbersome and time-consuming. Achieving the goal of ending TB by 2030 requires systems and processes that allow the gathering of the required patient data for effective programmatic decisions. Read more:

Kenya’s policies guide the delivery of people-centred healthcare, including TB prevention and care, through the Primary Health Care Networks comprising a primary health care referral facility (hub) and several other primary health care facilities (spokes). Person-centredness is about focusing care on the needs of people and providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individuals and communities affected by TB. However, most people with TB, who access health services in Kenya, are widely managed the same way with no attempt to distinguish care according to their circumstances. Read more:

The African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), in partnership Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), conducted a policy review and analysis on Kenyan national diagnostics policies and plans to strengthen health systems in the country. Click here to read more.

A study conducted by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), explored the influence of religion and religious beliefs on the contraceptive decision-making of adolescent and young Christian and Muslim women in Kenya’s Mombasa and Wajir counties. To read more, CLICK HERE.

Although Tuberculosis (TB) affects people of both sexes and all age groups, the highest-burden is in adult men, who accounted for 56% of all global TB cases in 2019. In Kenya, 66% of all cases notified with TB in 2020 were men. Policies on gender and TB should place greater emphasis on the high burden of TB among men and the need to invest in male-friendly diagnostic and screening services, with the aim of reducing undiagnosed TB. This compelling evidence necessitates development of policies that guide a gendered approach to resources and interventions to end TB.

A range of social factors can act to either exacerbate the health impacts of the environmental effects of climate change or to help mitigate them with public health interventions. These interventions are well articulated in policies that provide collective interventions affecting transformation in social welfare, social institutions and social relations. Kenya has an advanced legal framework and a suite of policies, strategies, plans in place to address climate change.

In January 2021, the Guttmacher Institute released the first comprehensive compilation of evidence about abortion incidence and safety in Sub-Saharan Africa overall, as well as in each of its four subregions (Eastern Africa, Middle Africa, Southern Africa, and Western Africa). In the report titled: From Unsafe to Safe Abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa: Slow but Steady Progress, the Guttmacher Institute provides an overview of the legality of abortion and describes how often and how safely abortions occur in the region’s 48 countries. It also offers an analysis of the underlying context of abortion—namely, unintended pregnancy and access to modern contraceptives. The reports estimates […]

L’avortement à risque est un problème persistant en Afrique subsaharienne (ASS). En janvier 2021, l’Institut Guttmacher a publié la première compilation complète de preuves sur l’incidence et la sécurité de l’avortement en Afrique subsaharienne. Dans un rapport intitulé : De l’avortement à risque à l’avortement sécurisé en Afrique subsaharienne : des progrès lents mais constants, l’Institut Guttmacher donne un aperçu de la légalité de l’avortement et décrit la fréquence et la sécurité des avortements dans les 48 pays de la région. Il propose également une analyse du contexte de base de l’avortement, à savoir la grossesse non désirée et l’accès […]

Recognition that human health is affected by a wide range of ecological disruptions consequent upon climate change is a recent development, reflecting the breadth and sophistication of modern scientific knowledge. Global climate change affects human health via pathways of varying complexity, scale, and directness and with different timing. Similarly, impacts vary geographically due to both environment and topography and the local population’s vulnerability. This is no surprise since climate change alters an extensive range of natural ecological and physical systems integral to earth’s life support system.