Research Reports

This study was undertaken to understand the current level of capacity of the Malawi Ministry of Health (MoH) and Parliament to use research evidence in decision-making and the factors that influence capacity to use research evidence in decision-making.

The past and current high levels of fertility in the midst of steadily declining child mortality rates have created a youthful population with a high child dependency ratio in Tanzania. The country’s population has grown from 12.3 million in 1967 to 44.9 million in 2012. According to the medium variant UN projection, the population will more than double to 129 million by 2050. The 2006 National Population Policy notes that rapid population growth and the consequent high child dependency burden is a key bottleneck undermining socioeconomic development in Tanzania. The policy notes that the strains caused by rapid population growth […]

Inadequate investments in the maternal, newborn and child health platform in many sub-Saharan African countries means that the platform remains too weak to support integration efforts. It is a fact that majority of expectant women in most sub-Saharan African countries attend antenatal clinics. A good proportion of these women deliver in health facilities. It is also a fact that majority of children under five years receive essential vaccines through the healthcare system in most sub-Saharan African countries. It makes sense therefore that providing HIV/AIDS and FP services as part of the ANC, delivery, and newborn and child health services can […]

Over the past three decades, child mortality has declined steadily while fertility rates have remained high in Uganda. This imbalance has resulted in rapid population growth and a youthful population with a high child-dependency ratio. The population has grown from 9.5 million in 1969 to 35.3 million in 2013, and according to UN projections, will grow to 83 million by 2040. Because high fertility has persisted for a long time, the population of Uganda has inbuilt high momentum to continue growing for at least another century.

The high burden of disease and death relating to HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancies and poor maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) remain a major health challenge in Malawi, as is the case in most of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is largely a result of a weak health system resulting in low demand for and utilisation of health care services. Malawi is a country with strong political will and a learning and cooperative culture for working with development partners and adopting proven lessons for improving health services.

The sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region faces numerous health challenges, including a high burden of disease relating to HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancies and poor maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH). This is largely a result of weak health systems compounded by a low demand for, and utilisation of, health care services in the region.

A report following the OASIS Conference (Organizing to Advance Solutions in the Sahel) hosted by the University of California, Berkeley and African Institute for Development Policy in Berkeley on September 21, 2012.

A few countries in Eastern and Southern Africa – namely Ethiopia, Malawi, and Rwanda – have demonstrated a new wave of optimism and made good progress in addressing barriers of access to modern contraception over the past decade or so. Further, progress in contraceptive use in Kenya and Tanzania stalled in the 1990s, but both countries have recently demonstrated potential for recovery and good progress. The aim of this study was to explore the origin, architecture and role of political will in contributing to these largely unexpected successes.

Despite the immense health, environmental and economic growth benefits from use of modern family planning (FP) methods, recent estimates published by Guttmacher Institute and UNFPA in June 2012 present that only 17% (36 million) of married women in Sub-Saharan Africa use modern family planning (FP) methods. However, a significantly greater proportion of married women, estimated at 60%, or a staggering 53 million women, are unable to voluntarily space, delay or avoid births through modern FP methods.

Despite commitments to the program of action for the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and MDG 5 (focused on maternal and reproductive health), little progress has been made in improving access to family planning and slowing rapid population growth in Africa. Lack of political will has been highlighted among the key factors behind the lacklustre performance in addressing these ‘sensitive’ development issues.

Malawi’s long-term development strategy, Vision 2020, is operationalized through five-year medium-term strategies. The primary objective of the 2011-2016 Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS II) is to enhance wealth creation and reduction of poverty through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development. The MGDS II recognises that population dynamics and climate change influence all aspects of sustainable development, and calls for concerted efforts to address these issues in order for the country to achieve its development objectives.

This report by the AFIDEP and Population Action International (PAI) presents a timely assessment of the role of population dynamics and climate change in sustainable development in Kenya. It is based on sound analysis of the issues, utilizing the most up-to-date data, which is complemented by a policy and programme assessment, and informed by the views of key policy makers and implementers from government, development practice, and civil society