Who We Are
Our Story
Our People
Our Donors & Partners
Our Approach
Our Objectives
Strengthen Capacity in Evidence Use for Decision-Making
Research and Technical Assistance to Accelerate Achievement of SDGs
Our Footprint
Interactive Map
Countries Worked
Work With Us
Focus Areas
Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend
Midwifery Care Models
African Programme on Women’s Empowerment Research Consortium
BUILD (Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning/Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action)
Exemplars in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASHER)
Demographic Dividend
Leveraging family planning for sustainable urbanisation in Malawi (U PLAN-FP)
Malawi Population Policy Dialogues
Policy Communication Fellows Programme
Re-examining Traditional Method Use – Desperation or Innovation (TEAM-UP)
Regional Analysis of Youth Demographics
Support for African Research and Data Use Capacity Building (AFRES-DATA)
Botswana Demographic Dividends Roadmap (Botswana DD)
Strengthening Use of Research Evidence for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (enSURE)
A New Social and Economic Investment Case for Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health (FP-IMPACT)
Health and Wellbeing
The Shire Valley Vector Control Project (Shire-Vec)
HIV Surveillance – Kuzama pa Kalondo (KpK)
Financing Surveillance and Pandemics Preparedness and Response (PPR)
DELTAS Africa Initiative Learning Research Programme
Health Tech Platform (HTP)
The Heightening Institutional Capacity for Government Use of Health Research (HIGH-Res)
Leaving no-one behInd: Transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB (LIGHT)
Putting Countries Back on “The Path to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” (Back-On-Track)
African Research Collaboration on Sepsis (ARCS)
Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project
Drivers of Resistance in Uganda and Malawi (DRUM)
Enhancing Research Uptake and Policy Engagement in the DELTAS Programme (Enhance DELTAS)
Initiative for Learning and Evidence to Address Teen Pregnancy Among Girls in School in Malawi (I-LEARN)
The International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA)
Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)
Post-Tuberculosis Lung Damage Amongst Pulmonary Tuberculosis Survivors in East Africa (PTLD)
Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Policy
Transformative Education and Skills Development
Transferable Skills
Governance and Accountability
Evidence Empowered Decision-Making for Africa’s Renaissance (EEDAR)
Advance Domestic Health Financing
Africa Integrity Indicators (AII)
Evidence Leaders in Africa (ELA)
Malawi Priorities Project
Enabling Evidence-Informed Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Malawi Parliament Enhancement Project (MPEP)
Malawi Parliamentary Support Initiative (MPSI)
The Environment and Climate Change
Making the Case for Planetary Health in sub-Saharan Africa
Gender Equality and Equity
Gender Data and Decision-Making
Learning Together to Advance Evidence and Equity in Policymaking to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (LEEPS)
Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)
Inventory of Legislation on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SADC SGBV)
Outcomes We Seek To Achieve
Strengthen Capacity in Evidence Use for Decision-Making
Research and Technical Assistance to Accelerate Achievement of SDGs
Annual Reports
Bi-Annual Newsletter
Development Perspectives
Fact Sheets
Information Sheet
Journal Articles
Policy Briefs
Policy Documents
Research Briefs
Research Reports
Strategic Plans
News & Blogs
Executive Director’s Blog
AFIDEP in the Media
Demography and COVID-19 in Africa
Webinar Series Report: Demography and COVID-19 in Africa – Evidence and Policy Responses to Safeguard the Demographic Dividend
Webinar Five: Series Synthesis and Policy Options Recommendations
Webinar Four: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Africa’s Prospects of Harnessing a Demographic Dividend
Webinar Three: South Africa’s Social and Economic Programmes to Harness the Demographic Dividend
Webinar Two: An Exploration of Evidence-based Service Delivery in the Times of COVID-19
Webinar One: The Demographic Impact of COVD-19: Global, Regional and National Experiences
COVID-19 Response
Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Training Curriculum
2020-2021 PRB Policy Communication Fellows
2021-2022 PRB Policy Communication Fellows
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Webinar Series: Demography and COVID-19 in Africa
Who We Are
Our Story
Our People
Our Donors & Partners
Our Approach
Our Objectives
Strengthen Capacity in Evidence Use for Decision-Making
Research and Technical Assistance to Accelerate Achievement of SDGs
Our Footprint
Interactive Map
Countries Worked
Work With Us
Focus Areas
Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend
Midwifery Care Models
African Programme on Women’s Empowerment Research Consortium
BUILD (Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning/Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action)
Exemplars in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASHER)
Demographic Dividend
Leveraging family planning for sustainable urbanisation in Malawi (U PLAN-FP)
Malawi Population Policy Dialogues
Policy Communication Fellows Programme
Re-examining Traditional Method Use – Desperation or Innovation (TEAM-UP)
Regional Analysis of Youth Demographics
Support for African Research and Data Use Capacity Building (AFRES-DATA)
Botswana Demographic Dividends Roadmap (Botswana DD)
Strengthening Use of Research Evidence for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (enSURE)
A New Social and Economic Investment Case for Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health (FP-IMPACT)
Health and Wellbeing
The Shire Valley Vector Control Project (Shire-Vec)
HIV Surveillance – Kuzama pa Kalondo (KpK)
Financing Surveillance and Pandemics Preparedness and Response (PPR)
DELTAS Africa Initiative Learning Research Programme
Health Tech Platform (HTP)
The Heightening Institutional Capacity for Government Use of Health Research (HIGH-Res)
Leaving no-one behInd: Transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB (LIGHT)
Putting Countries Back on “The Path to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” (Back-On-Track)
African Research Collaboration on Sepsis (ARCS)
Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project
Drivers of Resistance in Uganda and Malawi (DRUM)
Enhancing Research Uptake and Policy Engagement in the DELTAS Programme (Enhance DELTAS)
Initiative for Learning and Evidence to Address Teen Pregnancy Among Girls in School in Malawi (I-LEARN)
The International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA)
Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)
Post-Tuberculosis Lung Damage Amongst Pulmonary Tuberculosis Survivors in East Africa (PTLD)
Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Policy
Transformative Education and Skills Development
Transferable Skills
Governance and Accountability
Evidence Empowered Decision-Making for Africa’s Renaissance (EEDAR)
Advance Domestic Health Financing
Africa Integrity Indicators (AII)
Evidence Leaders in Africa (ELA)
Malawi Priorities Project
Enabling Evidence-Informed Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Malawi Parliament Enhancement Project (MPEP)
Malawi Parliamentary Support Initiative (MPSI)
The Environment and Climate Change
Making the Case for Planetary Health in sub-Saharan Africa
Gender Equality and Equity
Gender Data and Decision-Making
Learning Together to Advance Evidence and Equity in Policymaking to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (LEEPS)
Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)
Inventory of Legislation on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SADC SGBV)
Outcomes We Seek To Achieve
Strengthen Capacity in Evidence Use for Decision-Making
Research and Technical Assistance to Accelerate Achievement of SDGs
Annual Reports
Bi-Annual Newsletter
Development Perspectives
Fact Sheets
Information Sheet
Journal Articles
Policy Briefs
Policy Documents
Research Briefs
Research Reports
Strategic Plans
News & Blogs
Executive Director’s Blog
AFIDEP in the Media
Demography and COVID-19 in Africa
Webinar Series Report: Demography and COVID-19 in Africa – Evidence and Policy Responses to Safeguard the Demographic Dividend
Webinar Five: Series Synthesis and Policy Options Recommendations
Webinar Four: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Africa’s Prospects of Harnessing a Demographic Dividend
Webinar Three: South Africa’s Social and Economic Programmes to Harness the Demographic Dividend
Webinar Two: An Exploration of Evidence-based Service Delivery in the Times of COVID-19
Webinar One: The Demographic Impact of COVD-19: Global, Regional and National Experiences
COVID-19 Response
Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Training Curriculum
2020-2021 PRB Policy Communication Fellows
2021-2022 PRB Policy Communication Fellows
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Webinar Series: Demography and COVID-19 in Africa
Who We Are
Our Story
Our People
Our Donors & Partners
Work With Us
Our Approach
Interactive Map
Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend
Botswana Demographic Dividends Roadmap (Botswana DD)
African Programme on Women’s Empowerment Research Consortium
Demographic Dividend
Support for African Research and Data Use Capacity Building (AFRES-DATA)
Regional Analysis of Youth Demographics
Strengthening Use of Research Evidence for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (enSURE)
Initiative for Learning and Evidence to Address Teen Pregnancy Among Girls in School in Malawi (I-LEARN)
Governance And Accountability
African Research Collaboration on Sepsis (ARCS)
The International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA)
Malawi Parliament Enhancement Project (MPEP)
Malawi Parliamentary Support Initiative (MPSI)
Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)
Evidence Leaders in Africa (ELA)
Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project
Enabling Evidence-Informed Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Policy
Transformative Education and Skills Development
Transferable Skills
Health And Wellbeing
Gender Equality and Equity
Gender Data and Decision-Making
Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)
Annual Reports
Bi-Annual Newsletter
Development Perspectives
Fact Sheets
Journal Articles
Policy Briefs
Policy Documents
Research Briefs
Research Reports
Demography and COVID-19 in Africa
EIPM Training Curriculum
What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? – Chichewa
What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? – Chichewa
30 July 2019
What is AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance)? Chichewa comic strip
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30 July 2019 /
What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? – English
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