Globally, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a public health concern due to health and economic consequences, estimated at 10 million annual human fatalities and a 2 – 3% decrease in global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). AMR requires immediate interventions due to consequences of infection with resistant micro-organisms leading to severe illnesses, increased mortality, prolonged hospitalization, and increased health costs [3, 4]. The total global antibiotics consumption increased by 65% in 2000- 2015 with a higher projection by 2030.
This issue brief presents a summary of abstracts presented during the 8th East Africa Health Scientific Conference (EAHSC) on antibiotic access/use and dispensing practices, drug access points compliance with pharmacy distribution policies, antimicrobial stewardship, and antimicrobial use regulation as drivers of AMR in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The brief also provides key messages and recommendations from the review and synthesis of the abstracts. The Conference was held between 17-19 November 2021 in Nairobi, Kenya.