Use of modern contraceptives among adolescents and youth in West Pokot County is much lower than the national average for Kenya. Understanding the reasons for low uptake of contraceptives among young women in the county will help policymakers and program implementers to ensure that all women, including adolescents and youth, have access to a full range of contraceptive methods to achieve their reproductive goals.
In 2018, the Full Access, Full Choice project convened key family planning stakeholders, from government and NGOs, to identify county-specific program priorities and evidence gaps in adolescent and youth family planning research. This brief is in response to a learning agenda that was developed and informed by a set of study questions advanced by stakeholders from the public sector and nongovernmental organizations in West Pokot County.
Full Access, Full Choice is four-year, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) supported project, implemented by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolina Population Center and the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP). The project will generate and synthesize evidence to inform programs and policies to expand contraceptive method choice for youth aged 15-24 at the global and country levels.
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