Around the world, the number of young people needing reproductive health care, especially prevention services, is growing. In many places, this need is a result of a longer period of non-marital sexual activity, related to earlier menarche, later marriage, and greater economic opportunities for women, increased urbanisation, and liberalising attitudes influenced considerably by modern mass communications. Yet, as some literature has indicated, the “access to and utilisation of Youth Friendly Health Services (YFRHS) services is a primary concern surrounding the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights…”. This concern is attributed to the sensitive nature of sex and sexuality issues among youth that have not been fully addressed and, to a large extent, the way the reproductive health services are being offered. This policy brief therefore offers a variety of policy options that could increase the uptake of Youth Friendly Health Services, and makes recommendations on these that are rooted in the context of Malawi.
Strengthening The Delivery And Accessibility Of Youth-friendly Health Services In Malawi
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