Quality health information providing correct measurements and accountability in the health sector is very crucial for evidence-based decision-making and tracking progress of policy and programme actions. The health sector needs quality information primarily for performance, financial and political accountabilities required to implement the Vision 2030 goals as well as the mandates provided for in the Constitution. The sector requires critical information for efficient resource investments in these important areas to optimise provision of quality healthcare to the citizens. These areas include: organisation of service delivery; infrastructure development; financing; health workforce, health information systems; health products and technologies; coordination, leadership and governance; and research and development.
Strengthening the health information system pillar of the health system is quite central in the strengthening of the other pillars (including leadership and governance, healthcare financing, human resources for health, service delivery, health infrastructure, commodities, vaccines, medical products and technologies), which all require information support to function effectively and efficiently.
This policy brief therefore discusses the state of Kenya’s own Health Information System (HIS), its challenges and recommendations that could be implemented as a remedy.
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