Our People

Patricia joins AFIDEP as Research and Policy Associate for the Health Tech Platform. She holds a Master of Science degree in Applied Parasitology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Biotechnology, both from the University of Nairobi.
She brings onboard expertise in Malaria Research with experience in Malaria vector control and mosquito ecology. Patricia’s ongoing PhD work focuses on the exploration of the tactic responses of mosquitoes to visual stimuli, with a special focus on the use of genetic engineering techniques in switching off genes responsible for attraction of mosquitoes to their blood meal hosts. Prior to joining AFIDEP, Patricia worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Biology, the University of Nairobi on a project that aimed at turning Mosquito breeding habitats into sources of wealth. She has also participated in collection of evidence aimed at bridging the gaps between disability and development.
Patricia is passionate about empowering women, especially in marginalized areas to appreciate the significance of disease vectors, especially malaria vectors, in pursuit of living a disease-free and healthy life. She looks forward to becoming an impactful and resourceful scientific researcher.
In her free time, she enjoys nature walks with children and engaging them in talks, just to find out how they perceive life and the world, and trying to shape them into resourceful adults.