
The Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP) at the University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, is celebrating 25 years of growth and contribution to research in population and development in Africa. ISSP was set up in July 2005 in replacement of the Demography Training and Research Unit (UERD) established in 1991.
To celebrate this milestone, ISSP has organised an international conference whose theme is Rethinking training and research in population in Africa in the light of new paradigms and methodological approaches from 18th to 22nd July 2016. Besides being an avenue for ISSP to take stock of its contribution in the field of population and development, the conference also provides an opportunity for scholars, development partners and members of the civil society from Africa and beyond, to reflect on the future of training and research in the population field. It is expected that the event will be presided over by the Burkina Faso Minister for Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.
AFIDEP, represented by Diana Warira, will be co-hosting a session on communicating research to policymakers alongside the Population Reference Bureau (PRB).
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