


Focus Area

A New Social and Economic Investment Case for Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health (FP-IMPACT)(1)
Financing Surveillance and Pandemics Preparedness and Response (PPR)(1)
Gender Equality and Equity(16) [+]
Gender Data and Decision-Making(1)
Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)(1)
General Commentary(34)
Governance And Accountability(184) [+]
Advance Domestic Health Financing(18)
Africa Integrity Indicators (AII)(13)
Enabling Evidence-Informed Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa(9)
Evidence Leaders in Africa (ELA)(16)
Learning Together to Advance Evidence and Equity in Policymaking to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (LEEPS)(4)
Malawi Parliament Enhancement Project (MPEP)(11)
Malawi Parliamentary Support Initiative (MPSI)(1)
Malawi Priorities Project(5)
Health And Wellbeing(210) [+]
African Research Collaboration on Sepsis (ARCS)(7)
Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project(3)
Drivers of Resistance in Uganda and Malawi (DRUM)(7)
Enhancing Research Uptake and Policy Engagement in the DELTAS Programme (Enhance DELTAS)(5)
Health Tech Platform (HTP)(40)
HIV Surveillance – Kuzama pa Kalondo (KpK)(1)
Initiative for Learning and Evidence to Address Teen Pregnancy Among Girls in School in Malawi (I-LEARN)(4)
Leaving no-one behInd: Transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB (LIGHT)(22)
Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)(6)
Post-Tuberculosis Lung Damage Amongst Pulmonary Tuberculosis Survivors in East Africa (PTLD)(2)
Putting Countries Back on "The Path to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" (Back-On-Track)(3)
Strengthening Capacity to Use Research Evidence in Health Policy(29)
The Heightening Institutional Capacity for Government Use of Health Research (HIGH-Res)(14)
The International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA)(9)
The Shire Valley Vector Control Project (Shire-Vec)(4)
Institutional Update(31)
Midwifery Care Models(1)
Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividend(255) [+]
BUILD (Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning/Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action)(34)
Demographic Dividend(89)
Exemplars in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASHER)(7)
Leveraging family planning for sustainable urbanisation in Malawi (U PLAN-FP)(1)
Making the Case for Planetary Health in sub-Saharan Africa(5)
Malawi Population Policy Dialogues(1)
Policy Communication Fellows Programme(3)
Re-examining Traditional Method Use - Desperation or Innovation (TEAM-UP)(6)
Regional Analysis of Youth Demographics(7)
Strengthening Use of Research Evidence for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (enSURE)(12)
Support for African Research and Data Use Capacity Building (AFRES-DATA)(1)
The Environment and Climate Change(16) [+]
Making the Case for Planetary Health in sub-Saharan Africa(1)
Transformative Education and Skills Development(18) [+]
Transferable Skills(5)

