1. Consider the draft report and recommendations of the regional review of the ICPD PoA for Africa;
2. Consult and agree on the linkages between the outcomes of the Africa regional review and the post-2015 development agenda;
3. Adopt a common position to contribute to the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Review.
Recommendations from this conference will be adopted to reposition the African continent towards the successful implementation of the ICPD PoA. Through sharing of national and regional experiences, the lessons learned will be used to strengthen the African common position on ICPD and propose a concrete way forward.
Furthermore, by exploring the implementation modalities and considering challenges and opportunities, the meeting will come up with more effective approaches and tools for population programmes and policies.
The AFIDEP team participating at this conference on Monday, September 30, 2013 by giving a presentation on ‘Can African Harness the Demographic Dividend.’
Putting Evidence at the Centre of African Civil Society Consultations on ICPD Beyond 2014
The AFIDEP team was also part of the African Regional Conference on Population and Development pre-event on CSO event pre-consultative forum. AFIDEP played a central role in the consultations of African Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on ICPD Beyond 2014, held at UNECA in Addis Ababa between Sept 26-27, 2013.
AFIDEP developed a draft CSO position based on an extensive review of various documents. AFIDEP staff presented the draft at the CSO consultations, following which this draft was discussed and refined, and the presented by CSOs to the Africa Regional Conference on Population and Development Beyond 2014 on September 30, 2013.
Read the CSO Statement here: Africa Civil Society Statement on ICPD Beyond 2014