AFIDEP will be joining the Kenya Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners for the launch of the Kenya Health Research Observatory (KHRO), Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (KHFA) and the County Vital Signs Profile. The KHRO aims to promote evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in the health sector by improving access to, and use of research and health data. It will be accessible to policy-makers and stakeholders at national and sub-national level while the primary objective of the KHFA is to provide essential information at national & county level to facilitate decision-making on investments needed to deliver the essential health package towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
AFIDEP has been a key stakeholder in the development of the KHRO which is a web-based portal developed to improve the availability and use of health information as well as evidence for policy-making. Specifically, AFIDEP supported the MoH to conceptualise and define a knowledge translation platform (KTP) drawing on lessons of existing KTPs around Africa. The KTP would comprise, among others, a repository of all health research conducted in Kenya.
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