The Research for Health Technical Working Group (R4H TWG) is a technical and logistic partnership forum for health research sub-sector in the country . The purpose of this TWG is to coordinate MoH Research for health stakeholders with the primary goal to improve the availability and use of health research evidence for policy and decision making.
Recently, the Ministry of Health updated the R4H TWG terms of reference and membership to be in tandem with the changing dynamics of the health sector; the establishment of the National Health Research Committee as per the Health ACT 2017 and to reflect the growing interest in knowledge management in Health.
Under the updated ToRs, an inaugural meeting will be held on 18 February 2021 at Sarova Panafric Hotel Nairobi with the objectives being:
- Sensitization on the updated Terms of Reference
- Formation and formalization of key sub-committee
- Defining the activities of the key sub-committees
- Key updates on R4H current landscape in the country
AFIDEP will be participating at the events through the Heightening Institutional Capacity for Government Use of Health Research (HIGH-Res) project, a collaborative programme that aims to strengthen institutional capacity for the use of health research in policy and programme decisions in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda. This is achieved through the design, implementation and continuous evaluation of innovative and politically responsive interventions within the Ministries of Health (MoHs) in the three countries.
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