Titled AFIDEP AFIDEP, the anniversary song was composed and recorded by two AFIDEP staff based in Malawi office, Andrew. B and Nicholas Adams. The song celebrates the marking of 10 years by AFIDEP and highlights the institute’s achievements, impact of AFIDEP’s work, focus areas and AFIDEP’s vision to change people’s lives in Africa and drive efforts towards the development of African countries.
Listen or download song:
AFIDEP Anniversary song_2020.mp3
Song lyrics
By Andrew.B and Nicholas Adams
Masomphenya osintha miyoyo ya anthu mu Africa
Kudzera mu ukadaulo wofufuza zinthu mwamakono
Kulimbikitsa ma pulani ndinso ndondomeko
Inde za chitukuko mmaiko a mu Africa
Imeneyi ndiyo ntchito yathu (X2)
Our focus is based on Social and human capital development
Inclusive economic growth
Environment and climate change
Governance and accountability
Population dynamics and demographic dividend
Masomphenya osintha miyoyo ya anthu mu Africa
Kudzera mu ukadaulo wofufuza zinthu mwamakono
Kulimbikitsa ma pulani ndinso ndondomeko
Inde za chitukuko mmaiko a mu Africa
Imeneyi ndiyo ntchito yathu (X2)
Tunakuza malengo ya maendeleo endelevu
tukizingatia watu nakujumuisha afya na elimu
ukuaji wa uchumi anaojumuisha kila mmoja
mabadiliko ya hali ya anga na mazingira
na utawala na uwajibikaji
Masomphenya osintha miyoyo ya anthu mu Africa
Kudzera mu ukadaulo wofufuza zinthu mwamakono
Kulimbikitsa ma pulani ndinso ndondomeko
Inde za chitukuko mmaiko a mu Africa
Imeneyi ndiyo ntchito yathu (X6)
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