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From Unsafe to Safe Abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa
21 March 2022

Unsafe abortion is a persistent problem in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In January 2021, the Guttmacher Institute released the first comprehensive compilation of evidence about abortion incidence and safety in Sub-Saharan Africa. In a report titled: From Unsafe to Safe Abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa: Slow but Steady Progress, the Guttmacher Institute provides an overview of the legality of abortion and describes how often and how safely abortions occur in the region’s 48 countries. It also offers an analysis of the underlying context of abortion—namely, unintended pregnancy and access to modern contraceptives.

Developed with support from AFIDEP which is supporting efforts to strategically disseminate the report and promote uptake of the evidence presented, this video provides a summary of the findings with a focus on incidence, safety, legality and actionable recommendations.