These Guidelines for Evidence Use in Policy Analysis and Decision-Making have been developed to provide practical guidance to technical staff and Members of Parliament on better and more effective ways of finding, appraising, synthesising and applying research evidence in policy analysis and decision-making. The Guidelines therefore make a significant contribution towards enabling Parliament to effectively deliver its core functions of oversight, legislation, budgeting and representation, given the critical role of information, including scientific and other types of evidence, in the delivery of these functions.
The Guidelines are designed primarily for use by technical staff and Members of Parliament. Technical staff and Members of County assemblies will also find the Guidelines useful and could consider adopting or adapting them for use in their work. They present an important contribution of Parliament towards strengthening the capacity of county assemblies. Beyond these groups, anyone involved in policy analysis and legislative and policy-making processes, as well as other development spheres, will find the Guidelines useful.
Guidelines for Evidence Use in Policy Analysis and Decision-Making – Kenya Parliament