To complement the quantitative and modeling research, the LIGHT Consortium utilised qualitative participatory action research methods in partner countries to actively engage communities affected by TB in data collection, analysis, dissemination and dialogue with decision makers. These communities included individuals with lived experiences, their caregivers, family members, and healthcare workers.
This participatory approach has been instrumental in co-creating solutions, shaping and informing person-centred, gender-responsive approaches to TB prevention and care. By involving communities directly, the consortium has highlighted the value of participatory methods in addressing complex issues including challenges of TB care across diverse settings. This engagement also strengthened understanding of gender and TB interactions at the national level, leading to improved knowledge, awareness and attitudes towards gender disparities in TB.
This booklet series was developed for each of the participatory action research studies conducted by LIGHT partners in Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda. Click on the booklets below to learn more about these in-country studies.
Download ‘Putting People First: A Participatory Study with TB Healthcare Workers and Policymakers in Nairobi, Kenya booklet here: LIGHT-Kenya-PAR-Booklet-150x150mm-Proof-5.pdf
Download Malawi booklet here:
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