
AFIDEP’s Africa Integrity Indicators (AII) project, in partnership with the Book Club Series, an academic dialogue produced by Anotida Chikumbu at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, is hosting a webinar focused on electoral reforms in Zimbabwe on Thursday, 21 September 2023. The webinar is titled “Zimbabwe Elections 2023: Setting the Tone for Electoral Reforms”.
The webinar’s overall objectives are:
- Using the perspectives of experts as well as the Round 11 findings of AII, discuss the appointments of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) commissioners and how they have affected the independence of the election management body.
- Discuss different political parties’ and candidates’ access to state-owned media as well as ZEC’s issuance of pre-election and post-election reports.
- Explore how the unprecedented judicialisation of Zimbabwe’s 2023 poll impacted on its credibility.
- Interrogate the political finance dynamics of the 2023 elections and their effect on the election’s credibility and citizen rights.
- Proffer recommendations on how to improve ZEC’s independence and effectiveness, improve equitable access to public media by various political players, cultivate greater accountability by political players on political finance, and improve women’s representation in public office.
This webinar seeks to utilise the AII Round 11 findings in making a valuable contribution to the agenda for electoral reform in Zimbabwe, create a platform for meaningful dialogue, and drive lasting change.
Moderator: Anotida Chikumbu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Dr Alex Jiya, AII Project Lead, AFIDEP
Dr Mziwandile Ndlovu, AII Anglophone Africa Project Manager, AFIDEP
Tariro Daphne Senderayi, Research Specialist, Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
Chris Maroleng, International Director, Good Governance Africa
Dr. McDonald Llewanika, Regional Director (Southern Africa), –Accountability Lab
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Explore the AII Round 11 data here:
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