
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are hosting a policy dialogue on youth, violence and development. The objective of the dialogue is to develop and strengthen a research agenda which seeks to encourage collaborative work as well as inform evidence-driven policies that address the challenges facing young people in Africa. The policy dialogue is taking place from 6-7 November 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Attending the dialogue are various development stakeholders including policymakers, academia, civil society and development agencies. Representing AFIDEP at the policy dialogue are Dr Eliya Zulu, the Executive Director, AFIDEP and Eunice Mueni, Knowledge Translation Officer. Dr Zulu shall be a panellist at a talk show which shall deliberate the youth perspectives on the socio-economic dimensions, costs and consequences of violence. It is expected that following this session, participants shall identify actions and challenges facing youths in socio-economic policy and programming spaces; and there shall be emphasis on the need for inclusion of youths in development processes, peace-building and violence prevention
The opening remarks at the dialogue shall be made by H.E. Ambassador, Mr Phillip Baker, High Commissioner of Canada in Ethiopia who will outline Canada’s priorities for Africa on youth, gender, inclusive development. Ms Prudence Nonkululeko Ngwenya, Head of the African Union Commission Youth Division will also make opening remarks and discuss the African Union’s priorities on youth, with reference to the 2017 theme, Harnessing the Demographic Dividend.
You can follow the conversation on Twitter: #AfricaYouth2017
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