Journal Articles

Increasingly, decision-makers are recognising the value of evidence in formulating sound and sustainable policies. More researchers have also become concerned with ensuring that their evidence reaches policymakers. It is emerging that researchers and policymakers do not speak to each other as much as they should.

In recent years, the demographic dividend has garnered enormous traction in policy circles as African policy-makers, especially in ministries of finance and development planning, see it as central to achieving their economic growth targets. The demographic dividend is the economic benefit arising from a change in a society’s age structure, from a structure dominated by child dependents to one with a greater proportion of working-age adults. It is estimated that a quarter to a third of the phenomenal socioe-conomic development experienced by East Asian countries like Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand between 1970 and 2000 can be attributed to this […]

Enhancing accountability in health systems is increasingly emphasised as crucial for improving the nature and quality of health service delivery worldwide and particularly in developing countries. Accountability mechanisms include, among others, health facilities committees, suggestion boxes, facility and patient charters. However, there is a dearth of information regarding the nature of and factors that influence the performance of accountability mechanisms, especially in developing countries.

The aim of this study was to assess effectiveness of guidelines for referral for elective surgical assessment using systematic review with descriptive synthesis. The article concludes that guidelines for elective surgical referral can improve appropriateness of care by improving pre-referral investigation and treatment, but there is no strong evidence in favour of other beneficial effects.

Participant non-response in an HIV serosurvey can affect estimates of HIV prevalence. Nonresponse can arise from a participant’s refusal to provide a blood sample or the failure to trace a sampled individual.

While early sexual experiences are a key marker of the transition from childhood to adulthood, it is widely acknowledged that precocious initiation of sexual activity predisposes adolescents to negative health and psychological outcomes.

HIV counseling and testing is considered an important component of HIV prevention and treatment. This paper examines the characteristics of young males and females at the time of first reported HIV test, including the influence of recent sexual partnerships, and investigates how HIV testing and the cumulative number of tests are associated with sexual behaviors within six months of testing.

Adolescent involvement in problem behavior can compromise health, development, and successful transition to adulthood. The present study explores the appropriateness of a particular theoretical framework, Problem Behavior Theory, to account for variation in problem behavior among adolescents in informal settlements around a large, rapidly urbanizing city in sub-Saharan Africa.

This paper examines the politics and the underlying discourses of water provisioning and how residents of Korogocho and Viwandani slum settlements in Nairobi city cope with challenges relating to water access. We use qualitative data from 36 focus group discussions conducted in the two slums to unravel discourses regarding water provisioning in the rapidly growing slum settlements in African cities. Results show that the problems concerning water provisioning within Nairobi slums are less about water scarcity and more about unequal distribution and the marginalisation of slum areas in development plans.

Postpartum months provide a challenging period for poor women. This study examined patterns of menstrual resumption, sexual behaviors and contraceptive use among urban poor postpartum women. Women were eligible for this study if they had a birth after the period September 2006 and were residents of two Nairobi slums of Korogocho and Viwandani. The two communities are under continuous demographic surveillance. A monthly calendar type questionnaire was administered retrospectively to cover the period since birth to the interview date and data on sexual behavior, menstrual resumption, breastfeeding patterns, and contraception were collected.