
Female hawker displaying her merchandise at Kasungu Trading Centre, Malawi. Photo: CARE
Children, Malawi. Photo: Flickr/Threejumps
A market center in Malawi. Photo: Flickr/Tofsninja

AFIDEP has implemented the following projects in Malawi:

Research Reports:

Research Briefs: Making The Dividend Count Bridging Research And Africa’s Policy Processes Policy Briefs:

Policy Documents:

Fact Sheets:Child Marriage in Malawi

  1. We supported the Parliamentary Services Commission and the Legal Affairs Committee of the Malawi Parliament to develop a technical report that was adopted by the House to enhance Parliament’s administrative and legal autonomy in discharging its duties
  2. Developed accountability system and tools to Improve women’s health; In Malawi, synthesis and translation of evidence and policy dialogue on child marriages led to a commitment by the government to end the practice by 2027. In addition, through our work with the parliamentary committee for health, Malawi Government created a budget line for family planning and increased budget for the health sector
  3. AFIDEP supported parliaments and ministries of health in Malawi to develop EIDM guidelines for evidence use, which are widely used. The first Africa Evidence Leadership award holder, the Head of the Research Department in Malawi Parliament, was trained by AFIDEP. Former Member of Parliament, Malawi & Chair, Parliamentary Committee on Health, Malawi Parliament, Juliana Lunguzi remarks that:

« AFIDEP’s work has been valuable to Malawi Members of Parliament particularly in helping us organise evidence. Our role is to deliberate different development issues that we have, and without evidence it becomes a challenge. AFIDEP has come in and provided information especially on different issues that are affecting our nation. [For instance] right now the population is quite big in Malawi. So we have all these MPs who did not really understand about issues of population and understand the fact that our population is growing very fast. [MPs had] challenges putting into perspective the fact that most of the challenges we are facing in Malawi are due to our rapidly growing population. Therefore, the interaction with AFIDEP has been an eye-opener to the MPs. In addition, AFIDEP conducts its work with a sense of urgency and has also been very flexible while working with Parliamentarians who have several demands on their time… »

(More of this testimonial on AFIDEP’s 2016 Annual Report, pg. 23)


Key Details

Population Indicators

  • Total Population (millions): 18.1 (HDR 2019)
  • Population ages 15- 64 (of total ppn-millions): 9.7 (HDR 2019)
  • Population under age 15 (% of total ppn): 45% (PRB 2019)
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (births per woman): 4 (PRB 2019)

Economic development

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per Capita (2011 PPP $): 1,163 (HDR 2019)
  • Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of ppn): 51.5% (WB 2016)
  • Share of youth not in education, employment or training, total (% of youth ppn): 32.9% (WB 2017)

Health and well-being

  • Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) 38.5 (HDR 2019)
  • Government health expenditure (% of total): 9.8% (HDR 2019)

Education and skills development

  • Literacy rates, adult (%, ages 15 and older): 62.1% (HDR 2019)
  • Government expenditure on education (% of total): 4% (HDR 2019)

Environment and Climate

  • Agricultural land (% of land area): 61.4% (WB 2016)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 33.2% (WB 2016)
Sources:World Bank Reports (WB)UNDP Human Development Reports 2019 (HDR)Population Reference Bureau World Population Datasheet 2019 (PRB)


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