
Youth graduates from Generation - Kenya’s training program. Photo: Faith Sashah/ USAID
Girls from Kenya. Photo: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Millicent Owuor, 20, with her newly born twin boys in a maternity ward of Siaya District Hospital, Kenya, 2012. Photo: REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

AFIDEP has implemented the following projects in Kenya:

Research Report:East African Regional Analysis of Youth Demographics East African Regional Analysis of Youth DemographicsResearch Briefs:

Policy Brief:Key Actions For Enhancing The Communication Of Demographic Dividend Research To Improve Policymaking In AfricaFact Sheets:


1. AFIDEP supported government to develop Guidelines for Evidence Use in Policy-making:

2. AFIDEP has set the pace for evidence use in the Kenya Parliament by supporting the inception of a Parliamentary Caucus on Evidence-Informed Oversight and Decision-Making (PC-EIDM). Former Chair of the Kenya PC-EIDM, Dr. Susan Musyoka remarked that:

« The goals of Parliament of legislation, oversight, and representation have benefited immensely from AFIDEP’s work. AFIDEP’s continuous sensitisation of MPs on evidence use has increased research uptake by MPs, although more still needs to be done. The capacity building of research and policy analysts in Parliament has translated into improved quality of technical advice provided to MPs, which in the long run will influence the quality of debates in Parliament. The capacity building for the policy analysts has also improved the quality of analysis that staff are conducting on draft Bills and this is helping ensure that Bills are backed by evidence… »

(More of this testimonial on AFIDEP’s 2016 Annual Report, pg. 21)

3. Kenya is among 14 African countries that AFIDEP has supported to develop awareness and policy options for harnessing the demographic dividend. Former Director-General of the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD)-Kenya, Dr. Josephine Kibaru-Mbae said that:

« Working with AFIDEP has been beneficial to NCPD. As policymakers, we have relied on AFIDEP for technical expertise on various population issues, top among these being the demographic dividend. In the last two years, AFIDEP has given us very good support in the form of evidence and technical advice to inform our efforts in ensuring that Kenya makes the right policy and investment decisions to harness a sizeable demographic dividend… »

(More of this testimonial on AFIDEP’s 2016 Annual Report, pg. 11)


Key Details

Population Indicators

  • Total Population (millions): 47.5 (HDR 2019)
  • Population ages 15- 64 (of total ppn-millions): 29.7 (HDR 2019)
  • Population under age 15 (% of total ppn): 41% (PRB 2019)
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (births per woman): 3.6 (PRB 2019)

Economic development

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per Capita (2011 PPP $): 3,077 (HDR 2019)
  • Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of ppn): 36.1% (WB 2015)
  • Share of youth not in education, employment or training, total (% of youth ppn): 13.7% (WB 2016)

Health and well-being

  • Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births): 33.6 (HDR 2019)
  • Government health expenditure (% of total): 4.5% (HDR 2019)

Education and skills development

  • Literacy rates, adult (%, ages 15 and older): 78.7% (HDR 2019)
  • Government expenditure on education (% of total): 5.2% (HDR 2019)

Environment and Climate

  • Agricultural land (% of land area): 48.5% (WB 2016)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 7.8% (WB 2016)
Sources:World Bank Reports (WB)UNDP Human Development Reports 2019 (HDR)Population Reference Bureau World Population Datasheet 2019 (PRB)

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